COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Everything I’ve seen on that idea says it’s bullshit outside of Monica Ghandi, who has been wrong about everything so far.

That being said, it’s outside of what I’d feel comfortable definitively weighing in on as data is thin and it’s outside what I know


There’s absolutely no way you’re going to get Americans to get a yearly shot unless the lethality jumps back up again. What percentage of people bother getting a yearly flu shot? That many people will be getting the latest COVID update.

c. 50% of the UK population were boosted 3-4 months after their 2nd jabs. We might have to wait 6 months for jab no. 4 but not when stealth omicron takes a hold.

It varies, 30-40% historically. 50% last year.

If something with those characteristics also evaded prior immunity to some extent, yeah, that would be no bueno.

I’m just saying the likelihood of doing boosters 3-4 times a year is not high, not is it likely to be optimal long term. Maybe in done places this year they do it, but I just don’t see it.

As a Moderna and BioNTech shareholder I really hope you’re right and I’m wrong though!

Nothing like cashing in on a pandemic. Got to be alive to spend it :)

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Thanks, Louis!

Who needs BBB when you can get all this for free. Biden"s socialism is great!


Depressingly low, but than I would have thought, tbh. Considering that anti-vax is now mainstream orthodoxy for Republicans, hard to see more than 40% getting a yearly COVID boostie.

My wife is pozzed (PCR-confirmed) and I am most likely too. Symptoms, one rapid rest negative, one positive - waiting on PCR.

My daughter only leaves her room masked.


You are probably right, and we probably should plan on being a more seasonal society for awhile. Shfiting the major holidays to the summer probably a non starter, but I still think shifting the school year so the big vacation is over the winter is a prudent move.

I doubt we’re ever restructuring our school year because of COVID.

Me too, but I also think next winter we are still likely going to have a six week stretch that looks like this in schools.

Schools shouldn’t have the same big break. Some places should stick with summer break, others should have a shorter summer break and a longer winter. Some places should maybe not even have a summer break. With overlapping calendars, you can have traveling education specialists the way they have travel nurses.

I mean we’re in the situation we’re in, there’s nothing wrong with rooting for countries to buy up lots of boosters and keep boosting their populations. That’s good for everyone.

I brought this up to a few friends and most said, “That’s really smart, but if you think there’s a chance it’s happening, you’re an idiot.” One said it makes logical sense but he would oppose it because it’s too big of a change to force on people.

Yeah I’m expecting 25-35% of the population to get annual covid boosters.


If it makes you feel any better, that’s one of my favorite movies and I was literally thinking of that scene and sobbing while buying stocks during the crash in March 2020. It was quite the scene.

But I don’t feel bad for investing in life-saving technology that governments are providing to their citizens for free, nor do I feel bad about rooting for more booster shots to go into arms because IMO they should go in arms based on where we’re at in the pandemic, so I’m not rooting for anything to get any worse for anyone.

I’m rooting for variant specific boosters with 95% efficacy, flu shots with better efficacy than what we currently have, and widespread uptake of the combined shot of both.

I also think $26 is a beyond reasonable price to the developed world (I mean it’s way cheaper than a flu shot) and they’re giving COVAX 500 million doses at cost this year, is my understanding.

At cost would be an 84% discount. 500M is probably around 15% of their total production being donated, and the discount amounts to about $11 billion or about 20% of the entire current stock market valuation of Moderna.

I’m obviously financially biased here but I don’t get all the hate for Moderna and BioNTech from the people saying the vaccines should be free or open source. I don’t think they’re profiteering off the pandemic or price gouging at all.

there’s nothing wrong with hoping that good things happen to you ffs

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Any of you positives planning a trip to join these folks!

work is offering 1.5x rates for docs to do inpatient/ER work right now. Things are bad.