COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Do you have a separate work email?

yeah but I got a few admin things I got to keep an eye to make sure I get paid. So Iā€™m still checking it.


Well 2 years is the minimum right? Going to be awhile until the 6 month group hits

I can prescribe paxlovid now btw. There are two sets of criteria right now:

  1. Really super immunocompromised people
  2. Basically anyone who isnā€™t vaccinated and 65 or over.

That bolded part makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Iā€™m over here locked down, foregoing income, waiting for Paxlovid to be available to further reduce my risks, and unvaccinated Boomers get priority instead.

Baby Boomers are fucking immune from consequences in this country from the cradle to the grave itā€™s goddamn amazing.


Guardian Live

A laboratory study has found that Russiaā€™s Sputnik V vaccine gives longer lasting protection against the Omicron coronavirus variant than Pfizerā€™s.

Researchers said samples taken three to six months after the second dose of a vaccine have shown that the antibodies in recipients of two doses of Sputnik V were more resistant to Omicron than in those vaccinated with Pfizer.

According to their findings, Omicron-specific neutralising antibodies were detected in the blood serum of 74.2% of the people vaccinated with Sputnik and in 56.9% of those vaccinated with Pfizer/BioNTech.

The study was funded by the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which markets Sputnik V abroad, and conducted by scientists from the Spallanzani Institute in Italy and Gamaleya Institute in Moscow, the developer of Sputnik V vaccine.

It included 51 people vaccinated with Sputnik V and 17 with two shots of the Pfizer vaccine. It has not yet been peer reviewed.

As the Omicron variant rips through the US, children are being infected with Covid-19 in record numbers ā€“ yet their rate of vaccination has lagged, creating a surge in hospitalizations and undermining in-person schooling.

Nearly a million new Covid cases ā€“ more than 981,000 ā€“ were confirmed in children in the week ending 13 January, a 69% increase from the week before and four times higher than last winterā€™s peak, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. That means one in 10 Covid cases among children in the entire pandemic have happened in the past week, the organization said.

Adult rates have shot up, too, with an average of more than 870,000 confirmed cases a day in the US ā€“ but children have much lower vaccination rates. Only 18.8% of kids aged five to 11, and a little more than half of 12- to 17-year-olds, are fully vaccinated, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hospitalizations for kids are soaring, although severe illness and death are much less likely for children than adults. ā€œTons and tons of kids are getting infected this time,ā€ said Almaz Dessie, assistant professor of pediatrics in emergency medicine at Columbia University medical center.

Yet vaccinations are lagging. After a short burst of childrenā€™s vaccinations soon after the shot was authorized for the five to 11 age group, progress dropped significantly.

No conflict of interest here folks!

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Yeah, a little like Pfizer and Moderna announcing their own efficacies :) Small sample thouā€™!

Surfing great Kelly Slater could be the next big name in sport to be refused the right to compete in Australia, with the Victorian premier, Daniel Andrews, saying he wants to avoid another ā€œsoap operaā€ if the 11-time world champion is not vaccinated against Covid.

Slater, who has not publicly disclosed his Covid vaccination status, has aired some controversial views on the Covid vaccine, including an Instagram comment in October that claimed he knew ā€œmore about being healthy than 99% of doctorsā€.

The American tour veteran, who has no medical qualifications, has previously said he is not anti-vaccine but opposed to making vaccination mandatory.

Slater has also been critical of the visa process that ended with the recent deportation of tennis world No 1 Novak Djokovic.

The best surfers in the world are scheduled to arrive in Australia for back-to-back World Surf League events at Victoriaā€™s Bells Beach and Western Australiaā€™s Margaret River in March and April this year.

what are you talking about?

anyways, an actual link to the study in question would be nice.

Itā€™s nonsense, but it could be just a poor journalist translation of the work, which is why the actual study would be nice.

Hospitals are on the verge of collapse, so not surprised. Unless we arent going to treat those patients, thats the best use of limited supplies.

what in heavens name are you talking about?

The Sputnik vaccine was worse against the original strain and Delta, so maybe they mismatched in the general direction of Omicron?

Exactly. The Russians know a thing or two about jabs, though not ones that usually save lives.

churchill journalists are not scientists and misrepresent studies all the time. Weā€™ve covered this tons of times in this thread. Thatā€™s why I wanted to read the actual study.

Australia should allow the surfer to stay offshore in an anchored boat, and participate in the event as long as he never comes onto the land.

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You can probably guess what my vote would be for those patients.

But yeah I get it intellectually, itā€™s just incredibly frustrating that we have to cater to these fuckers every step of the way in the pandemic.

Because a pandemic is a series of weakest-link problems, you are at the mercy of the weakest links in society and then because they cause the most problems you must also cater to them with therapeuticsā€¦ Which keeps more of them alive to cause more problems in the next wave, at which point weā€™ll cater to them again.

Yeah, if it were up to me, Iā€™d say fuck em. Give them some ivermectin and wish them the best of luck and send them home, and save the miraculous meds for people actually trying to do the right thing.

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