COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Are you suggesting that they missed on purpose, lowering the original efficacy on purpose, and correctly predicted Omicron?

Surely, you’re not.

Brazil registers 168,495 new Covid cases, 350 more deaths

Brazil has had 168,495 new cases of the novel coronavirus reported in the past 24 hours, and 350 deaths from Covid, the health ministry said on Thursday.

The South American country has now registered 23,585,243 cases since the pandemic began, while the official death toll has risen to 622,205, according to ministry data.

Brazil’s Covid toll is the world’s third deadliest after the United States and Russia, according to a Reuters tally.

It could though right? It’d be super fortuitous but it’s possible I suppose.

I’m saying there’s no way they did it on purpose, it’s likely what happened by accident if that study holds up. What’s most likely IMO is that the sample size of the study is small and it was conducted by biased people, thus…

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Territorial waters. I think he’d need to be at least 15 miles offshore.

also Russian Direct Investment Fund page on it

where I got the link.

Yes a compromise would need to be made.

Three words never found in the same sentence - Australian, Immigration and Compromise


Seems like it’s just a polonium umbrella type reference.


Before we get too excited, this is a preprint.


First skim of the paper shows a paper with a super small sample size that doesn’t even bother to report basic demographics of various groups. It’s garbage.

Man, without reading I feel like priors have to push us strongly towards “bullshit” on this one…
10% - SputVax is actually 2x stronger against Omicron than Pfizer
60% - The data is legit and says that SputVax is stronger, but it actually isn’t due to some reasonable explanation (sample size, other factors, whatever)
30% - Russian agency either fudged the data or is straight up lying

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To be fair, there’s probably only 17 Russians who had Pfizer, whilst they were spying abroad perhaps.

Tut tut (lol)

Two of South Africa’s most prominent coronavirus experts told the BBC that Western scepticism about their work could be construed as “racist,” or, at least, a refusal “to believe the science because it came from Africa”.

It’s called a joke, CN

This is trolling.


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Anthony Fauci is to vaccines for under 5 year olds as Donald Trump is to infrastructure week.

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This is bullshit. Rewarding bad behavior, de-incentivizing vaccination, and a non-zero number of over 65 year olds who got the vaccine will die at the expense of some anti-vaxxer assholes who won’t.


This is nonsense.

That ridiculous comment aside however, it’s not unreasonable that some of the other worldwide vaccines randomly do well against Omicron. Also important to note that most of the vaccines currently in use worldwide are at least highly efficacious against severe disease and death.

So basically if the 17 people in the Pfizer group skew heavily 65+ and the 51 people in the Sputnik group skew towards < 30 years old, this would probably be well within the realm of expected results even if Pfizer actually offers better protection in a proper study?

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