COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

There’s not really a good plan B for the scenario where a ton of people don’t get vaccinated. I’m not really sure what the point is if we can’t force people to do that.

Back to restaurants? I go into stores a couple times a week with either a KN95 or N95. I guess for restaurants I’d simply want to see the omicron wave significantly go down. I’ve eaten outdoors at restaurants numerous times, but I’d be preoccupied thinking about the clouds of rona indoors with everyone maskless and spewing plumes between BLT bites.

Yeah, I ate indoors in well vented places a couple of times over the summer when there were like 95 confirmed cases in the state. Would eat indoors again this summer if cases are low.

So the two weeks paid time off from the last care package if you have covid is gone? One of my guys recently had close contact with his daughter and then tested positive and they’re taking all his sick days, vacation, floating holiday.

He never used his original two weeks. Year just started. That sucks. Pretty sure he’s going to look for a new job when he gets back. Seems like a super dumb way to lose a good employee with a good record when we can’t get new people to save our lives.


Wow, that is very shortsighted. I dont even think Id give notice, just would never show up again.

That should tell you a lot about your company (if he is vaccinated).

But you can donate your PTO to him and it will be a heartwarming story! USA #1


In response to Fox News type:

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Foxnews not saying anything different then what’s been posted in this very thread unfortunately.

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I think that’s not quite true and unfair, but it is nice to see a clear benefit in early data.

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If I’m interpreting your intent correctly.

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Sadly he isnt. I’ve been pushing him forever to get vaccinated and he was planning to finally in January and the tested positive.

I hope he’s ok. He’s 60 black male and a bit over weight

Got our pre flight PCR tests back this morning. Both negative.

Super relieved. If I was still testing positive I would have to run the gauntlet of using a professional Rapid Test for singapore rules and an exemption letter for aus. The rules for both of which are not super clear.

Also managed to fade a pozz for mrs Rugby which would have been worst case scenario and trapped us in Philippines for another 2 to 3 weeks.

Fingers crossed should be back in Aus this time on Saturday.


Just so you know, you are personally responsible for me being relieved I’m not going to Germany next week.

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Yeah. It’s been a real hassle. Even just navigating all the rules successfully without covid was a nightmare.

Before all this we had 2 flights cancelled and had to rebook. Still haven’t had the refund.

Traveling in the time of covid. Just the worst.

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Felt a bit hot, headache, fatigued.

Antigen test negative but with four teachers down at my school with COVID over the last few days, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m next.

Only had four students of 16 in my last class of the day. Yet none of their homerooms are quarantined or assigned to distance learning.

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Just found out a dude I knew from the party scene for like 10 years died of covid last night. He was like 40, maybe like 30 pounds overweight but not bad or anything. I’m assuming unvaccinated.

Such a bummer. He was a super nice guy.


Getting group emails from work while on leave with titles like:


Things look pretty dire staffing wise right now.

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