COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Clash song?

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Iā€™m already boosted, as of September 5th 2021. This will be my 4th shot that is being recommended for immunocompromised people. Will likely get it as soon as Iā€™m eligible unless omicron booster less than a month out and seems more protective.

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Itā€™s not the shipping time of 1-3 days that caught my eye, more the 7-12 days itā€™s gonna take to put the tests in the mail. Itā€™s worded a bit stragely so guess that could be 7-12 days total shipping time which is still a tad slow compared to Omicron (delivered within 2 days of ordering here)

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Hey man give the Biden administration a break, theyā€™ve only been in power for 364 days, how could they have possibly known that home COVID tests would be important?


Delta wasnā€™t an escape variant, so we didnā€™t need boosters for it. Omicron is, so we do.

For boosters this needs to be further streamlined. The flu shot rolls out in 3-6 months from when they pick strains, I think. We need to be on a timeline line that when there are escape variants.

If weā€™re really going with everyone making personal choices every time thereā€™s a new variant, Iā€™ve seen how my fellow citizens handle those choices, and my personal choice is fuck a year of trials give me a shot.

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Covidā€™s done with the UK now

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Didnā€™t Boris have some COVID freedom day last year that he had to go back on due to omicron?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1483782129968422913|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&

Congrats on joining USA in, yet again, defeating COVID!

Also heard you were joining us in charging for LFT (although I guess we all get four free in three weeks if not ruined by cold).

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Is this actually true? Every time anyone in my family has needed a test, itā€™s been next day turnaround? Have things gotten so much slower with Omicron?

Iā€™m not working right now, but it was about that during the delta wave.

We have been 72-96 hours here unless you want to pay $80-$250 depending on availability for one of the expedited options. Might be getting slightly better than it was two weeks ago now.

3rd (?) time lucky!

I think the charges are coming in March (time to stock up me thinks), assuming Boris is still calling the shots then.

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Anecdotal here, but we have done PCR maybe 6 times over the pandemic and they have all been within 24hr turnaround. This is in Columbus OH through OSU/Wexner testing sites. My wife got one 2 weeks ago and it took 4 hours

Yeah great two years in we get 4 Covid tests and a mask.



I have seen pcr tests here take 3-7 days.

I have gotten PCR tests from 3 places, the fastest was 5 days. One result literally came by snail mail.


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Not true in NY anyway, I havenā€™t waited more then 36 hours (and usually 24 hours) for test results since like mid 2020.