COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Think it’s still capped at half capacity.

Most new cases in a single day today in the Czech Republic. A number that will certainly be broken multiple times in the next couple of weeks.

What would/could it take for you to go back? I don’t know anyone irl as cautious as some folks here.

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Shit, now I’m getting notifications from teachers during the school day about students pozzing.

Just a covid blitz here and it’s only the beginning.


Neighboring Germany and Austria also having new record highs.

Hana Horka, 57, was unvaccinated and had posted on social media that she was recovering after testing positive, but died two days later.

Her son, Jan Rek, said she got infected on purpose when he and his father had the virus, so she could get a recovery pass to access certain venues.

Now I kinda want to know how she got herself infected. Do these people have their Covid+ kids cough in their face or something.

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I’ve only been skimming this thread for a while so I’m not as up to date on vaccine timelines as I’d like to be. I’ll be eligible for (and recommended to get) a 4th shot 6 months after I had my booster. That will be on March 5th. An omicron specific booster isn’t likely until the fall, correct? If that may be a thing by the spring I’ll have to consider waiting for it as opposed to busting down the Walgreens door at 8am on March 5th.

No reason you can’t get a booster now and an Omicron booster in the fall.

Are we even going to ever have omicron boosters?

Delta has been around for what seems like 10 years now and we are still jabbing with the original recipe science juice as far as I know…

FWIW, rolling out a new vaccine in less than a year was unheard of pre-COVID. Omicron boosters by fall is incredible.

Yea thats my plan if it does end up being a fall release.

1 per person should be good, right?

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They could even roll it out faster if they wanted to (by Spring for Omicron), its a question of whether or not it is worth it to keep switching to a new shot every time there is a new variant as long as the original shots are holding up as well as they are against severe illness. Even now I dont think its 100% certain whether you would want a Delta booster vs. an Omicron booster for winter 2022.

Ultimately they want to get to an annual COVID/flu combo shot but think thats a ways out.

Oh, believe me, I think it is perhaps the greatest achievement in human history. I just am starting to get a bit skeptical that we’re going to be reformulating the vaccines any time soon for specific variants. Feel like I’d be shocked if we’re putting anything other than OG juice in arms in 2022. Hope I’m wrong.

I’d just get boosted now. Even if there’s a variant booster in, like, May, it’s not clear you’d be ineligible for it if you were boosted today. I’d bet at even money that you would be eligible for it within a month of release if boosted today, no matter when an updated booster comes out. Getting a booster now offers immediate (well, within 7 days) and substantial protection compared to where you are now against infection and against bad outcomes if you do get infected. Basically everyone here who’s gotten it after being boosted has reported, like, a bad cold, but one that they shake off faster than a cold (inside of a week usually vs. colds typically taking 2 weeks to really be rid of).

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lol my Florida county school board just sent out an email letting us know they aren’t releasing quarantine numbers anymore because ain’t nobody quarantining their kids if they don’t have symptoms.

Sick = Stay Home
Not sick = Your good

I am guessing they are shipping from regional offices so most shipping won’t take three days. Like they will have 10 million tests sitting in Houston to go out etc etc.