COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I 100% would.

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Of course. Whatā€™s the downside?

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Replies include many anecdotal tales of people w Covid dying and not having it counting as being Covid related, as usual.

Do we know a general timetable that you have from reinfection after contracting COVID? I assume the data isnā€™t good enough to include said person having 3 shots.

Saw this thread yesterday, not the exact question you asked and it wouldnt cover Omicron to Omicron I dont think given timeline. It reads to me like sort of rare inside 90 days and pretty rare but not impossible inside 60, not common after 90 but a meaningful uptick, for whatever this data is worth.

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COVID tests now available for order from the USPS:


Nice start. Make it not a one shot deal and would be helpful.

Thanks for the link. Not great to have to wait for shipping until the end of the month, but Iā€™ll take them.

Thanks, ordered 4.

If we donā€™t do tests, weā€™ll have no cases.

Iā€™ve been saying that for years!

Says four per residential address eh? So not per person or different family?

Edit: got confirmation email they wonā€™t send duplicates to same residence so only one per address.


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I guess the ā€œbeta testā€ was a success, lol. I wonder if this was supposed to become publicly known today.

I didnā€™t realize it but the site is now live and just goes directly to spidercrabā€™s USPS link.


Hmm, maybe we can work with thisā€¦


Nothing will be learned from it and weā€™ll go back to hearing the Buttigiegs and Bidens crying about how we canā€™t afford to pay for it next time universal healthcare is brought up


Itā€™s kind of amazing, if you think about it. One of the three or four best things this administration has done only happened because their press secretary mocked the idea with such contempt that the backlash forced them to do it.


Iā€™ll applaud them when they start sending out 4 tests per household per month, not a one time thing. Also, have we seen any data on these at-home tests actually working for Omicron? I thought there was some early data that seemed to indicate at least some brands were not as effective at detecting Omicron as other variants.

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nah should work just fine, judging by the social media posts Iā€™ve seen lots of people are using them still.

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