COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’m super concerned about long-term effects but I really don’t have a good solution as I have absolutely no confidence in avoiding infection long-term and the vaccines seem less effective against some of the concerning longer term markers than they are against preventing severe acute infection.

The T-cell, autoimmunity, and brain studied are legitimately terrifying though

We don’t really have enough information yet to know whether vaccination reduces the risk of Long COVID substantially or not. I’ve seen conflicting studies on whether severity of case is correlated to Long COVID, and I think it also depends how you define Long COVID.

But with Paxlovid soon to be widely available, and boosters for Omicron coming this year, I’ve got to imagine our risk of Long COVID is going to drop the longer we can go without contracting it.

The risk of contracting it has to be managed, though, it’s not like there aren’t other threats we all face that are also significant - like climate, the collapse of American democracy, etc. In my mind, the more I isolate for COVID, the more risk I’m taking in other areas, so it’s a tradeoff.

I couldn’t find the study quickly, but in particular I’m thinking of the study where 171 of 171 vaxxed health care workers showed abnormal markers months after infection.

Looks like Djokovic is going to be barred from playing in Spain as well if he doesn’t get vaccinated by April. Talk about leaving millions of dollars on the table to own the libs.

My trip next week is still touch and go. At this point I kinda want it cancelled. Too much risk the rules could change while I’m there.

Isolating your girlfriend for 10 days when she isnt known to have covid or be exposed to covid seems significant overkill.

I also dont think it needs to be binary.

If you are super concerned. I would suggest something like the following.

Test before coming. 2 days full iso. 2nd test. 2 to 3 days masked in common areas but sleeping separately. Test again. Out of iso. Test again day 6 or 7.

I think this gives you a very very small chance of catching it.

Her chance of her having it with the steps you described are single digits to start with imo.

I also assume she has some contact with her current house? I.e. she would know after after a few days if they had symptoms or tested pos?

Of course. I am not a doctor.

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I don’t even think it’s really political for him (at least it wasn’t). He just has some really weird ideas about medicine.


Yeah he said he was gluten intolerant because his arm felt weaker when it was holding bread.


He’s not doing it to own the libs. He has cranky ideas about health and science.

I agree but she is more worried about giving it to me than I am about catching it from her. She really doesn’t want to be responsible for giving it to me.

They’re not happy she’s quitting, so I don’t expect much contact. I think they know their lack of precautions is a big part of why, so I don’t think they’d admit it to her if they pozzed after she left. She’s also overheard them lying to others about COVID related stuff on the phone, including about their precautions to a friend coming to visit who’s currently treating cancer. So, we don’t trust them one bit.

Now over the counter tests are impossible to find?

This is OG strain, pre-vaccine, but not exactly the kind of thing I wanted to hear being concerned about cognitive Long COVID.

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Beware any bio marker study like this. The importance of these proteins isn’t even that established in Alzheimer’s, much less short term elevations.


Oh and also, Covid isn’t airborne HIV either (yes that’s a thing online today) Eric feig-ding is the guy pushing it

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Are there known examples of them being raised and it definitely not being a big deal and resolving on its own? Like in particular with other viruses or diseases?

Not that I’m aware of. That being said I wouldn’t be too interested if one was done. The entire beta-amyloid and whatever markers for Alzheimer’s has not really panned out despite extensive research for the past decade plus.

There was good news out on this today - a preprint from Israel. They looked at some of the most commonly reported long COVID symptoms. Vaccinated people were much less likely to report symptoms 4-11 months post-infection than unvaccinated people. Not only that, vaccinated people post-infection were no more likely to report those symptoms than people who reported no previous COVID infection.


I also recall seeing an article posted here a while back about long covid patients recovering after receiving the vaccine. I don’t have it handy, though.

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That’s great news! Hopefully this passes peer review. Loss of concentration should be a good proxy for cognitive issues.

If your kid had very mild delta covid, are you getting them vaxxed now considering that omicron is even milder?