COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Let me rephrase: is there such a person who would have a reason deemed legitimate by almost everyone in this thread?

Macron’s running against a nutter, so this is both, picking up a tactic from the right, and is still within the overton window of what a consensus-center candidate can say.

Why is Djoker staying? Surely he could just get on the next flight out?

Is he just hoping his team comes up with a visa solution?

If he is not carefull they will ship him to Christmas Island detention center and forget they did that or why they did that.


Apparently, there are a lot of angry teachers at my school now. “Why should I be tested the same way my unvaccinated colleagues are? Why did I bother getting vaxxed and boosted in the first place?” seems to be the common argument among my vaxxed/boosted colleagues.

From a selfish perspective, I get it. Conscientious people who care are being punished because some people are self-centered assholes.

And the thing is that omicron isn’t the dominant strain in the CR yet. Give it 2+ weeks and we’ll see what happens. A teacher’s strike is unlikely, but not out of the question because our promised pay raise was first reduced then withdrawn by the new government on top of restrictions people are unhappy with.


Lol. This seems completely pointless.

From experience. Australian bureaucracy is very complex. But its nonetheless completely black and white once you follow through and read every step and line.

Absolutely no way they are going to lose a challenge here.

Not to mention Australian law is super “well. The guy making the decision said it’s okay. So we gonna enforce that”

That’s true, but USA#1 does both.

An old neighbour of mine went to the US with his American gf and got held a long time in immigration because they discovered he’d joined the CP here as a student (apparently they had the best parties).

Herman Cain.


The next month is gonna suck a lot for us. The scheduling for foreign languages is just wacky. They would actually be better served with online classes.

They’re trying to prevent what is inevitable if they have any common sense which is the temporary shutdown of the school.

Also the self-administered antigenic tests are absurd. No way those things are reliably administered. Get the results back in just a couple of minutes and off you go into the school.

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Possibly dumb question: for Omicron to out-compete Delta, doesn’t that require Omicron to confer some level of immunity to Delta? Otherwise they wouldn’t be “competing”?

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I thought it was accepted knowledge that Omicron provides immunity to Delta.

How much and for how long still sort of tbd. Some favorable early studies, but certainly wouldn’t guarantee the unvaxxed infected with omicron have long lasting immunity to delta for starters.

As expected PCR test taken yesterday was negative.

Somehow made it out of America without COVID.


Clearly we need to dissect you to understand this. Sorry. Science needs your sacrifice.


20%? That’s pretty insane for asymptomatic testing. I think we could hit 5% sometime during the current wave, but our school is really well vaccinated, and even 5% is a crazy positivity rate for asymptomatic tests.

I dunno, it seems obvious that schools are going to be disrupted somewhat when people are actually sick, especially if the substitute shortage continues, and that seems unavoidable. It’s precautionary closures and closures intended to make up for risk-taking elsewhere that are really pernicious.

Obviously, the kid I mentioned here:


continues to attend school unmasked.

The Australian Government considers people to be fully vaccinated after their final vaccine dose. Most vaccines require 2 doses at least 14 days apart, however they will accept a single shot of the J&J vaccine. If Djokovic took the J&J vaccine he would instantly be fully vaccinated according to the Australian government,

Public shaming is in order.