COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I was about to post this and got the alert that it had already been posted.

What do you think the explanation is?

slow pony, most likely




Thanks for the literal lol.

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Which previously banned poster are you?

All of them.

Welcome to the community @Raskolnikov!

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I highly doubt covid fatigue applies to USAā€™ers only

Wut? Lol if all patients werenā€™t being tested in earlier waves - must have had lots of spread in USA hospitals. Our World in Data indicates the US had no stats for ā€˜no. of covid patients in hospitalsā€™ pre July 2020! This doesnā€™t explain why the USA rate vs other countries is higher this wave.

Less healthy population may have some legs but does the US have an older population than ā€˜Europeā€™ - maybe when eastern EU countries are added into the mix but probably not those countries in the graph.

Always hard to compare countries. Harder to compare a country to a continent.

Iā€™d go for: -
No vaccine mixing - Only MRNA vaccines in US and Canada - ok, some J&J (US) but small by comparison
Higher vaccine waning and Slow booster rollout - Less of the population tripled vaxxed when Omicron arrived - despite the advance warning and countries with better survellance altering their booster schedules, some as low as 3 months i.e. 3-4 week gap between 1st & 2nd doses (US) then 5-6month wait for booster - must be super low protection against severe infection 4 months after 2nd dose
Lower vaxxed population in general (US)
US Covid data less reliable overall

Just goes to show that itā€™s relatively pointless western countries going by South African stats when trying to predict their Omicron outcomes. And, to a lesser extent, US looking at UK numbers and predicting similar outcomes i.e. still no vax in the UK for under 12ā€™s. 12-16yrs recently eligible for second dose so none of those boostered - may lead you to think the patients per capita should be higher in the UK.

Why do you think the US is experiencing a more severe Omicron wave than other countries?

Iā€™d still love to see what two weeks of lockdown can do to knock that damn thing down. I worry omicron would just roar back quickly.

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Mom pozzed again. Second time after having covid once, getting double vax and boosted. My parents have some bad luck.


What an absolute cretin

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Got a negative result from my first ever COVID test. No symptoms or anything, just a requirement for my surgery later today.


Good luck with the surgery!


Such a great word :sunglasses:


We have a certain prickly poster here once in a while who uses the same strategy for ā€œlearningā€ things. Itā€™s a real perversion of the scientific method to go Hypothesis ā†’ Test/Research ā†’ Contradiction of hypothesis ā†’ Well the test/research must be wrong, someone has to give me more different research forever until the hypothesis is proven.


The hidden power of 27o.

Maybe? That the test positivity is sky high and still climbing isnā€™t all reassuring that things are getting that much better.

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Only if the vaxxed rate is roughly 8 fold the unvaxxed (ie about 88% vaxxed). And obviously who the fuck cares.

Nice to have Joe have his hat handed to him live. ā€œBut can we trust these numbersā€. Obviously better than the numbers you make up in your head, fuck face.