COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

More than one in 10 people with Covid-19 could still be infectious 10 days after symptoims first show – and one in three remain so after five days, a study has found.

One person was even identified who remained infectious 68 days after the onset of symptoms.

Researchers released their findings just a few hours after it was annnounced that the isolation period in England is to be cut to five days.

After 10 days, 13 per cent of people still exhibited “clinically-relevant” levels of virus, meaning they could still pass it on to others.

And, in some rare cases, they could remain infectious for much longer – with one Covid-19 patient of the 176 analysed being able to transmit the virus more than two months later. Another person was infectious for 31 days, and one other for 26 days, while two more were infectious for 20 days.


How does having a booster a couple of weeks ago affect COVID tests?

Friend of mine who I spent time with in Vegas is pozzed and symptomatic. I currently don’t feel a thing, but I figure the responsible thing is to get tested. However, I did get boosted literally two weeks before my trip.

If I can’t get a timely test, isolating for five days without symptoms is considered to be acceptable, right?

Holy shit that article links to the whole journal instead of the actual article. Not a criticism of you but god damn it was annoying to find the article.

Two things on a brief read:

  1. These are from the first wave in England, not any of the more infectious variant.

  2. I’m very skeptical of their claim because it relies on a particular test to determine infectivity that doesn’t seem particularly strong. Although I’ll admit it would require a lot more work on my part to understand what they’re doing with that test.

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Booster doesn’t affect testing at all.

Yes isolating with no symptoms would be acceptable.

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Lol, trying to sign up for testing at Walgreens and getting directed to sites in Virginia. (I am not in the eastern time zone.)

Question on Walgreens site asked if I had a shot less than two weeks ago.

I’d assume that’s to establish if you’re actually fully vaccinated or not. Vaccination doesn’t mess with normal testing methods.

It is too soon to say if the Omicron wave has peaked though, since the daily statistics are based on people who come forward for testing.

Prof Kevin McConway, Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics at The Open University, said: “Infections often do not cause any symptoms, even though asymptomatic infected people can still spread the infection to others. Without symptoms people might not be routinely tested, and so end up not being counted.”

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If you wear N95s at all times out in public and only hang out unmasked with small groups of people doing the same, and all test before you hang out with them, you’ve got a pretty good chance at fading it. Especially if you just lock down for like 2 weeks when it’s peaking and don’t go hanging out with people and only go out in an N95.

Really just a question of whether it’s worth that level of inconvenience for you to:

  1. Preserve your chances of staying on Team NOVID.
  2. Wait until Paxlovid is more widely available to join Team COVID.
  3. Wait until Omicron boosters are available.
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My client that I’m going to Germany with in a week brought up a detesting what if.

Catch Covid overseas, then continue to test positive (@Rugby ) for two weeks.

Yuck. Best believe I will be billing my client if it happens to me.

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If you don’t count the deaths, they just stop dying.

Biden Administration tells hospitals they don’t have to report COVID-19 deaths anymore, effective February 2nd. There are screenshots of the HHS directive floating around on Twitter.

This is Trumpian. Fuck Joe Biden.

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I’m going ot hold out some hope that this is being misreported in some way because otherwise, wow.

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Here’s the aforementioned screen shot. HHS is no longer collecting this data.

I’m ok with this. Fight fire with fire. The only problem is I don’t think that’s the logic (I’m not sure what it is.) It’s time to start acting like Republicans in order to extend the life of this country another couple decades.

Won’t work anyway.

Republicans, when Republicans block COVID death reporting: “Cases are down, yay! Just the flu duh.”
Republicans, when Democrats block COVID death reporting: “Fucking criminals, impeach everybody.”

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Not falling for another immunologist named Wendy Burgers.

I was in hospital for week in sumner of 2020. Was never tested for Covid.

That’s a prickly assertion.

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Rapid testing wasn’t widely available for awhile.

We still segregated people based on clinical impressions.

I’m sure the USA wasn’t alone in this.