COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Daughter’s school reporting 3 positives out of 520 surveillance tests. Kids can’t get it confirmed??

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Nice! Super jealous

So if kids have avoided some of the shittest parts of school, have they just deferred it, or avoided altogether?

More broadly. At some point as a society we need to do something about the fact that high school is an awful fucking social experience for a large share of the population.



Amazing how he is proven wrong and immediately starts into the “yeah but what about people who are exactly 15 years 7 months old?”

And then, you see his addled brain when confronting new information, he starts questioning the source. Rogan is probably a 49-1 dog or so to have a better source than his guest.

“Yeah, well, I’d like to see some statistics on that.”

statistics prove him wrong

“Lies, damn lies, and statistics, amirite?”

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“Who knows?!” :man_shrugging:

Well at least everything that comes after high school is a relative blast for a lot of us. Kind of like having a hellish job when you’re 16.


My girlfriend got one of those a few days ago.

…from Washington State.

…and we live in Atlanta, and haven’t been to Washington at all recently.

…and Georgia bans close contact notifications.

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UK cases still falling off a cliff. Yesterday they were down 24 percent off the peak 8 days prior. Today 7dma is down 29 percent off the peak 9 days prior:

NY state cases now appear to be falling fast as well, 7dma down 8 percent since the apparent peak 4 days ago.

Even Florida may now be at the Omicron peak, 7dma just went down for the first time.

West Coast and California still going up though, so US peak as a whole maybe not till next week.

Finally, South Africa continues to decline at a very high rate after looking like it might plateau for a few days. Cases in South Africa are now down 75 percent from the peak 27 days ago:


I kinda wonder at this point what % are actually getting picked up by official numbers.

For example, my son’s test was a positive PCR that I assume gets reported. My wife and I just tested positive on Rapid tests and are quarantining but those aren’t getting reported anywhere.


I’ve heard estimates anywhere from 3x to 10x as many total infections as reported positive cases, counting people who home test, don’t test, or don’t ever realize they were infected.

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Like the fuck are we going to do at this point?

I think one of the biggest unanswered questions in this pandemic is what causes the cases to go down. In the first couple waves, we all thought it was due to lockdowns and masks, and then the Christmas wave went down when Christmas was over. But Florida and the South did fuckall against both the Delta and Omicron waves, and while their peaks may have been higher than places like OR and WA that were more cautious, they didn’t seem to last all that much longer. And it doesn’t seem like 90+% of the population got it in each wave, so I’m not sure what the explanation is. With a better answer to this, we could potentially do shorter and more targeted lockdowns, which might be more palatable.


This a good question. We have the same trend in Canada where it looks like we maybe have it the peak but testing criteria has changed. Locally for me as of December 31, 2021, testing for COVID-19 has been limited to the most vulnerable individuals and individuals associated with the highest risk settings. Lots of people with covid simply aren’t tested and as a result the numbers reported are way underestimated.

I’m not sure how it is elsewhere but I think new reported case numbers should be taken with a grain of salt.

I’m not sure how to design a study to prove any of this - especially retroactively, so it’s probably going to remain a mystery for a while… But my guess would be some combination of cross immunity from other coronaviruses in some portion of the population, cross-immunity from other variants, asymptomatic cases, and people whose immune systems naturally fend it off. That would all combine to lower the available number of people to infect and/or increase the number of uncounted cases, and thus decreasing the number of detected cases to hit herd immunity locally and crush a curve.

The other factor would be people taking more precautions when they see a surge happening. Like I basically locked down for Omicron. If even 10% of the population does, then instead of say 90% of people getting it to get herd immunity, you’d have 81%. And even people who don’t fully lockdown by reduce their risk here and there reduce the ability of the community to spread the virus.

tldr; it’s probably a bunch of factors that all add up quite substantially


67/mio cases of myocarditis for the vaccinated
450/mio cases for those with Covid-19

If the vaccination rate is sufficiently high and the infection rate low then the total number of myocarditis cases will be higher among the vaccinated population. If your only goal(*) is to avoid myocarditis then you should not get the vaccine if you are only say 10% likely to catch Covid.

(*) it obviously shouldn’t be. Only pointing out how there could be factually correct, but misleading information out there which will be much harder to combat than completely made up nonsense like 5G chips.

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I posted this in the tennis thread already but for those not following, the Djokovic verdict is in.



What’s that you say? Consequences for an anti-vaxxer?



The graph below is for Cuyahoga county (Cleveland). Apparently we peaked around Christmas?