COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

“Permitting OSHA to regulate the hazards of daily
life- simply because most Americans have jobs …”

well there goes short and long term disability insurance

“Omicron is very mild,” is what the average person is thinking.

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Yup. “Omicron is very mild” and “the vaccines don’t work against omicron” are the two biggest messaging fails in recent pandemic history.


Wait, why is this surprising? Isn’t this what you’d expect if vaccination protected better against Delta than Omicron?

It means the study isn’t an apples to apples comparison and therefore the assertions it makes are not well supported

USA#1 after all!

Imagine stanning for the CDC in 2022.


Gotcha, thanks.

Good god JT I have no clue what petty little point you’re trying to make here, but why you’re talking about the cdc when I’m pointing out a flaw in a preprint is beyond me.

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Please stop going out of your way to pick fights.

Edit: this is a warning to everyone.


Oh ok well cool thanks for the random toxicity bye

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Got one of these for the first time:

Which is kind of crazy to me. Anyways it’s from 9 days ago so it’s not particularly helpful. I’ve tested negative 3 times since from day 3-6 anyways so im clear.

Has anyone else actually received this notification? Seems like uptake isn’t that high. Has to be one of my colleagues who got me

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Also this seems like better news, and not #preprintscience


Picked these up and am very happy with them. I’m wearing a mask while driving carpool now and needed a good mask that wouldn’t fog up my sunglasses, and these fit the bill nicely.

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i got one yesterday, 7 days after alleged exposure. i’m guessing the usefulness of it already passed

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Yes. One of the law firms my wife does work for did this in November.

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But what about the popular kids who actually enjoyed junior high and high school? Won’t somebody think of the popular kids!

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Guardian Live

Some 79% of eligible adults have had booster - Javid

Javid says 79% of eligible adults have now had a booster, with the figure at more than 91% for over-50s.

Per capita, he says the UK is the most boosted large country in the world.

Half the schools in our county are canceled on Friday because of COVID. My mom whose a substitute teacher told us that half the teachers at her school were out sick so they canceled Friday’s classes