COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Broad vax mandate for employers dead 6-3. Targeted at healthcare systems affirmed 5-4. Wonder if stripping down Jacobsen is next.


This is great.

Just bought some of these:

As long as you don’t mind buying 100, they’re legit, they pretty cheap per mask, and they’re in stock for speedy delivery.


Such bullshit. HCWs are really tired of being meat shields for the economy.


Oh yeah, forgot to mention that my company announced a booster mandate for all employees. Anyone else encountered one of those yet?

Thanks. We’ve still been using surgical masks for quite a while now, but I guess it’s time (past time perhaps) to up our game again.

Who was the 5th vote on the HCW’s? I mean obviously libs + Roberts, but that only gets to 4…

NY just mandated boosters for HCW’s.

lol dumbest reasoning.

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Lol, what a fucking dystopian country where Kavanaugh is the swing vote.

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Only until Breyer leaves/dies



Heh, not surprised that HCW have one. Good to know, though!

What I do like about this occupational hazard only limitation is that it’s just calvinball. Do women face sexual harrassment everywhere? Sure. So why regulate it in the workplace? Falls can happen anywhere, why regulate rails?

If the retort is that there’s something unique about a workplace that mandates regulation, like long term exposure to toxic chemicals or workers working a long time near potential falls then the point that OSHA can regulate every day risks when they the apply to job specific locations is already conceded and maybe you can trim down the regulations to not apply to people who work in open air areas and whatnot, but you can’t categorically say that OSHA can’t regulate it.


Covers up a bunch of ugly faces like mine, ldo.


There have definitely been quite a few people I have met that I thought were attractive until I saw them without a mask.


Same with sunglasses. Your brain fills in the ideal version of what you can’t see.

The puzzle of America’s record Covid hospital rate

More now on President Biden’s announcement to deploy military teams to states hit hard by Covid - we’ve been examining why the Omicron variant has led to the US having a record number of patients with the virus in its hospitals.

In many other countries, public health officials have noted the figure remains significantly lower than during previous pandemic surges.

So why is the US different?

  • Dr Juan Reyes, director of hospital medicine at George Washington University in Washington DC, told us: “The difference now is a lot of fatigue, on healthcare workers and the population at large”
  • Dr Lewis Rubinson, the chief medical officer of Morristown Medical Center in New Jersey, believes it could be due to increased testing of everyone who comes into the hospital for any reason
  • Professor David Larsen, an epidemiologist and global health expert says an “older population” and “a less healthy population than in Europe” could also be a factor
  • Doctors also warn the high level of hospital admissions in the US and Canada may be due to the Delta variant being more prevalent in many areas.

Waiting for Onion’s “Most people are ugly, study finds.”