COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Mom at my kid’s school: “my husband has COVID but I didn’t test my kids because they’re vaccinated”

After thinking I got it but not I am back to about as close to zero as I have ever been but it’s not that hard for me to do tbh.

Everyone is thinking it. Reason #4 and #5 seem like enough to keep me from a pozz party, especially right now. Don’t be the person crushed in the Black Friday Wal Mart opening seems like a good life strat. Get some more data, and lean on #5 don’t purposely get a potentially deadly disease if it can be avoided.

I know plenty of people that have kids in school, going to 9 year old basketball tournaments, and doing general shopping in the world that haven’t gotten it. Maybe cut out the stuff that you don’t need like dinner out or going to Monster Jam, and do the best you reasonably can with good-quality masks. I don’t think it is a lock to get it, at least not this week or next week, and I still think the best course of action is to buy as much time as possible.

It’s every man woman and child for themselves, same as the last 1.5 years. You know what you need to do, and what you want to do. You know the risks, and what is at stake. Do the best you can, and you’ll be better off than 95% of folks. Don’t gotta outrun the bear if you can outrun your slowest friend, and hopefully the rona gets full and hibernates one of these days.


No, this is the fallacy. It is not true that everyone is going to get infected. Also, viral load matters as well. It’s certainly possible that intentionally trying to get infected could lead to a more severe case and bad outcome. Maybe your incidental exposure is fought off by your immune system because you are vaccinated and boosted, such that you never get an infection, or are only mildly symptomatic. On the other hand, you go intentionally licking doorknobs and maybe you’ve just taken in a high enough viral load that you’re no longer able to do that.

Yes, you’ve hit the problem here.

Also, there are new technologies, new treatments, and new vaccines coming out. Maybe you dodge this wave and the next vaccine (like that DNA one posted upthread) actually solve this.


Great points, thanks.

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Schools going virtual, airlines canceling flights, pharmacies and testing centres closing temporarily, shelves emptying in grocery stores because of transportation delays, blood donations dropping to crisis levels for the first time ever and the country’s hospitals are becoming stretched. This is the US in the grip of the Omicron variant.

Omicron may cause milder symptoms in some people, but its effects are ricocheting throughout America and creating some of the greatest challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We have supply shortages, we have transportation shortages, that are a result of people being out because of Covid, and especially Omicron being so infectious. And that is obviously limiting the workforce, and limiting the workforce is creating some of the havoc that we’re all experiencing,” said Ezekiel Emanuel, vice-provost at the University of Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden has vowed to keep businesses and schools open, but some experts wonder if that’s possible given the nature of Omicron and the lack of adequate measures to combat it.

“The economy cannot stay open and schools cannot stay open when so many people are getting sick,” said Margaret Thornton, an educational researcher at Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. “We must take action to slow the spread in order to keep schools running, to keep businesses running,” she said – but much of that action has been slow to happen.

Read more here:

Well fuck.

Got my pre flight PCR results back

Not unexpected but I’m still positive. Mrs Rugby confirmed GOAT immune system and still neg.

Now I need to delay my flights for a week and figure out a way to navigate the exemption process for Australia. Fuck…


Try participating in a major tennis tournament. :tennis:


I completely understand the sentiment and definitely feel it myself at times.

Hence the “I’m not in lockdown mode”. My spouse can’t handle that from a mental health standpoint, so me being significantly more careful makes no sense. We are still far from YOLO and not trying to get it.

I don’t think choosing to be in total lockdown is unreasonable either and probably would be close if I lived alone.

The Boston area also may have peaked, for now anyway, based on the wastewater testing: MWRA - Wastewater COVID-19 Tracking

The pool testing at my wife’s school came back with about half the number of positive pools compared to a week ago. There is minor drama involving the 5-day return protocol, with some parents not being able to count from 0, and others not understanding that day 0 is either the first day of symptoms OR the day of the first positive test result.

Our son (server/bartender in touristy Boston restaurant) came down with a bad sore throat and congestion, looked like shit, sounded like shit. Tested negative for COVID 4 times, strep once, and flu once. Urgent care place gave him some antibiotics anyway. :man_shrugging:

In one way, I’m more careful now than in March 2020: I now put on my N95 always before leaving the apartment, and keep it on till I return. Last year, I would wear KN95, surgical, or cloth, and not bother when outside. In many other ways–shopping, disinfecting, even hand washing–I’m less careful now.


We’re talking about it in the tennis thread but at this point I’m pretty sure this is not going to work. Should hopefully hear in the next few hours.

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Apparently there were some hearings recently where they were talking about ivermectin? Congressional perhaps? Suppressed documents and the like? The ivermectin heads around me are going ape over it but I can’t make heads or tails of it

The claim is being made that ivermectin was never properly tested but I thought from reading here that it had several credible independent trials that didn’t show squat

Ok looks like it’s Gateway Pundit and Project Veritas

There were some that showed that if you had both covid and parasitic worms, ivermectin was great because it helped get rid of the parasitic worms so your body wasn’t being taxed by both the worms and covid at the same time, but that’s not the same thing as being effective against covid.


This is what they’re all talking about. New “leaked military documents” and also that guy Robert Malone who was on Rogan. Wouldn’t think about it too much except it’s one of my damn doctors bringing it up so


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Time for a new doctor.

Edit: Ponied.

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Yeah I know who the pundit and lol veritas are but didn’t realize that was the source of the claims I was dealing with. Was really hoping it had a bit more sauce than that but looks like just another person who cares little about sourcing


Seems that way in NY as well

Kiddo tested positive on a PCR today. Wife had a scratchy throat last night and I’m developing one tonight. Overwhelmingly likely were adding another to the UP Pozzed List even though I haven’t technically tested positive yet.