COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Jokes aside. It’s a separate process. Djokavic was trying to get an exemption for the vaccine. I need to try and get an exemption to cover the fact I have a positive test.

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Either way you have no way in unless you want to go all Mad Max.

Omicron has breached Japanese borders.

The only hope is Moderna trial succeeding and then FDA approving it, which could theoretically happen later this spring. However hte FDA hasn’t even approved moderna for under 18 so that seems like a stretch. Pfizer seems like a moonshot to try to salvage their trial versus just starting over again at a higher dose.

Wtf. I missed the part where they made you take off you mask. That’s fucking crazy.

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New nytimes tracker numbers out for the day. UK cases continue to fall off a cliff and 7dma is now 24 percent below the peak hit just 9 days ago:

More evidence that the NY state peak has also already passed, 7dma down 5.5 percent in the last 4 days.

US slope as a whole starting to flatten as well.



JT can confirm, but I think they just made him change into whatever masks they were handing out (so they would have some control over mask quality). Obviously they don’t know JT like we do, so whatever they gave him was probably worse than whatever he walks around in. But I can see the wisdom of that policy when applied to a large group of randoms.

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Not a parent myself, but during covid I’ve watched my friend’s kids many times for just like 3 hours at a time. How the FUCK are you supposed to work from home at all in that environment? It would take maybe a week and I’d park them in front of screens, time limits out the window.

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I was on the phone with my auto insurance company the other day and I could hear her kids running around screaming in the background. Has to be crazy stressful to try to work and take care of your children simultaneously.


This is true of large states and definitely the nation: the peak is going to hit different areas at different times. It sure looks like the urban/suburban areas of the Northeast are either at the peak or dropping now, though, which is good. I suspect places like rural Pennsylvania and rural New York are yet to see the worst of it, though.

I do have a feeling that some regional disruptions in some rural areas could cause national supply chain issues (ie when the regions with meat packing plants get hit), but we’ll see.

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Nice return to the forums.


A friend of mine and her three kids all pozzed. They are pretty careful. Husband is ER doc and is in full hazmat quarantine to avoid them, so far no poz for him.

A post was merged into an existing topic: On the Origins of Covid

I’ve had that 3-4 times with various customer service type people during the pandemic.

The good news is, wave seems to be peaking in parts of the us and U.K.

The bad news is, case declines showing some signs of slowing in South Africa which twitter doctors speculate is from people EE entering the vulnerable pool (likely from delta and vax waning, probably not from omicron waning but we don’t have data yet so docs wouldn’t rule it out)

Have to wait for more data but worth watching

Snip: deleted quote that has been fixed above…

I don’t know if I’m missing something here or just daft, but why are cases slowing in SA a bad thing?

Assuming that was a typo and they meant to say that the rate of case decline was slowing - seems like the decline was plateauing out on the graph and not continuing the slide back down toward zero.

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Yeah, apologies, I edited. Hopefully just a data quirk but don’t want to see a high plateau here for obvious reasons. Some signs it could be the return of delta, but too early to say.

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