COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Results Among 51011 employees, 20689 (41%) had had a previous documented episode of COVID-19, and 42064 (83%) had received at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 occurred in 2452 (5%) during the study. Risk of COVID-19 increased with time since the most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received. In multivariable analysis, the bivalent vaccinated state was independently associated with lower risk of COVID-19 (HR, .70; 95% C.I., .61-.80), leading to an estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 30% (95% CI, 20-39%). Compared to last exposure to SARS-CoV-2 within 90 days, last exposure 6-9 months previously was associated with twice the risk of COVID-19, and last exposure 9-12 months previously with 3.5 times the risk.

Conclusions The bivalent COVID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded modest protection overall against COVID-19, while the virus strains dominant in the community were those represented in the vaccine.

Summary Among 51011 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster was 30% effective in preventing infection, during the time when the virus strains dominant in the community were represented in the vaccine.

“Because I don’t want to change my holiday plan,” he explains, “and I could make sure I recovered and won’t be infected again during the holiday if I intentionally control the time I get infected.” He admits he did not expect the muscle aches that came with the infection, but says the symptoms have been largely as expected.

Another Shanghai resident, a 26-year-old woman, tells the BBC she visited her friend who had tested positive “so I could get Covid as well”.

But she says her recovery has been hard: “I thought it would be like getting a cold but it was much more painful.”

Mr Kan did not specify a timeline for when all the infections happened - but as China’s previous zero-Covid policy kept cases to a minimum, it’s likely the vast majority of Henan’s infections occurred in the past few weeks.

He said visits to fever clinics in Henan province peaked on 19 December “after which it showed a continuous downward trend”.

The Henan provincial figures are in stark contrast to Covid figures from the central government

According to official data, just 120,000 people in the country of 1.4 billion have been infected and 30 died since the shift in Covid policy.

Meanwhile on Sunday, authorities reported three Covid deaths in mainland China, one more than the day before.

Some would call that natural immunity. Seems the Chinese trust the virus more than theie governments vaccines, which is a shame

Guy I knew from the men’s circle I participated in for a while posted this. Super nice guy, AIr Force Academy grad. Now does soundbaths and teaches yoga and stuff like that. I really need to stop following him though because this stuff drives me crazy.

The school said Brown was leaving his dormitory to attend class on Monday when he “experienced a medical emergency” and could not be resuscitated by first responders who were called “immediately” to the scene to attempt “life saving measures.” A specific cause of death has not been released. The academy, located near Colorado Springs, said it will coordinate with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office to conduct an investigation, which is “standard protocol” for any on-base death involving a military member.

Truly great job of reporting here CBS News. No way this leads to rampant anti-vaxx speculation.

Anti-vaxers are now crowd-sourcing and blasting to themselves every sudden death in the country and convincing themselves it’s happening infinitely more than before covid.

Not to mention actual covid is about 100 trillion times more likely to be the culprit than the vaccine.

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Yeah, this. It is happening more, they just have the wrong culprit

I heard that Fauci took out an insurance policy on this kid, but you don’t see any of that in the mainstream media, do you? MAKES YOU THINK! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!

They’re sharing this. Great job CBS News again. Nevermind that in the video it says he had two underlying heart conditions.

Anti-vaxxers are in the “we’re so sure we’re right we’re just going to sneer” phase.

These people are completely beyond hope. The great thing is they’ll all vote Republican forever!

I mean it’s just science. Look at the deaths curve!

And one tiny voice lost in the sea of memes:

But of course:

This shit is why i can’t engage with these people anymore. This will drive me nuts for days.


Lol of course.

These guys are so good at doing their own research. I’m shocked they missed this one.

Ok I engaged with these people and the guy on Facebook. Gonna be a fun day of BLIND RAGING on social media. Woo hoo.


I just donated to this guy. He’s doing great work.

Jesus fuck. Thats an incredibly well researched debunking by AP, and they just shout FAKE NEWS while guzzling their Tucker Carlson who, as the AP article points out, is peddling literal fake news. As in the news isnt real, researched, sourced, or fact checked. The conclusion is literally false, and yet somehow Tucker is not fake news.

Just absurd and baffling.

Yeah it seems like in the last year they’ve gone from occasionally trying to make actual arguments, to now just sneering because the debate is completely settled in their minds.

And of course Republican politicians like Desantis, who once pushed the vaxx, are now snap-falling in line. Because there’s no medical emergency anymore. So they can just come out and blast the vaccines as political signalling. Which of course just reinforces the anti-vaxxers’ certainty.

I think twitter might be shadow banning me. Normally I’d have hundreds of attacks by now after engaging with any anti-vaxxers.

This PROVES that the government has been hiding Covid-19 vaccine side effects since 2014. And who was President in 2014? MAKES YOU THINK!


The newest COVID-19 variant is so contagious that even people who’ve avoided it so far are getting infected and the roughly 80% of Americans who’ve already been infected are likely to catch it again, experts say.

Essentially, everyone in the country is at risk for infection now, even if they’re super careful, up to date on vaccines, or have caught it before, said Paula Cannon, a virologist at the University of Southern California.

“It’s crazy infectious,” said Cannon, who is recovering from her first case of COVID-19, caught when she was vacationing over the holidays in her native Britain.

“All the things that have protected you for the past couple of years, I don’t think are going to protect you against this new crop of variants,” she said.

Seems a little overstated (I dont think XBB 1.5 is that much of a stepwise infection level increase nor do I think its going to get most/all Americans as the article seems to imply), but I would expect to catch COVID with some semblance of regularity going forward for the forseeable future barring real rigorous mask wearing and some degree of distancing. Boosting obviously will help, but masks>>>>>vax for transmission prevention at this point IMO.

Carlson told his audience, “Hamlin was still lying on the field, receiving CPR when self-described medical experts in the media, people with no demonstrated medical ethics at all, effectively witch doctors, decided to use his tragic life-threatening injuries as an opportunity to spread still more propaganda about the Covid shots. ‘It could not have been the shot,’ they told you. ‘Shut up.’ But, they’re lying. They don’t know that.”

Tucker is incredible. He literally just took what anti-vaxxers were doing a second after Hamlin fell, and somehow turned the response by reasonable people into the attack.

It’s depressing how slimy and effective this kind of propaganda is.