COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

The latest figures suggest the vaccines are more than 90% effective at preventing deaths, falling to 50% after six months.

Older people still have around 60% protection against hospital admission, nine months after receiving a booster jab.

Serious side effects do exist but they are rare.

After more than 45 million people received at least two doses in England and Wales, 59 deaths involving the vaccines had been registered as of November 2022 - though more may be recorded as it takes time for such deaths to be investigated.

There were 15 reports of suspected heart inflammation or scarring (myocarditis or pericarditis) for every one million second doses of the Pfizer vaccine given in the UK up until the end of last November according to the UK Health Security Agency, and roughly 11 cases of an unusual type of blood clot linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine per one million doses.

A Danish study of four million people found no link between vaccination and risk of heart failure among people who developed myocarditis or pericarditis.

What percent of people still havenā€™t gotten covid despite being exposed to it? Iā€™ve had family members get it 3 times without myself getting it.

Sounds like a great argument for pushing your deliberate infection campaign :roll_eyes:

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Youā€™re the one posting it, not me.

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Some 900 million people in China have been infected with the coronavirus as of 11 January, according to a study by Peking University.

The report estimates that 64% of the countryā€™s population has the virus.

It ranks Gansu province, where 91% of the people are reported to be infected, at the top, followed by Yunnan (84%) and Qinghai (80%).

A top Chinese epidemiologist has also warned that cases will surge in rural China over the lunar new year.

Iā€™ve never gotten it afaik despite family members dropping all around me at Christmas.

Anyone here get covid that involved vomiting all morning long and then feeling too lacking in energy to even move for the rest of the day?

And that after having had covid three weeks earlier?

Iā€™m thinking itā€™s just food poisoning, but curious if anyone has had similar symptoms that ended up being covid?

I donā€™t know about people here, but nausea and vomiting are possible symptoms that some people with COVID experience. If itā€™s 3 weeks later, itā€™s probably something else. Or I guess you could have gotten COVID again (maybe another strain), but that seems like a much less likely explanation.

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Iā€™d bet a lot you got it but had no symptoms.


Was the only masked person when I took my kid to his basketball practice. Probably about 50 people in a not very big gym.

I assume the benefit was extremely minimal, but the cost was even less. I donā€™t even notice that it is there.


Sure sounds like food poisoning.

Sure felt like it too. Two days later seem OK other than a headache thatā€™s probably as much from being famished and dehydrated as anything.

Pretty effective dieting tool though.

Iā€™m now 3 weeks post first symptoms and still have a little lingering cough and still testing positive on the home tests with the faintest line.

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I hate these fuckers like Berenson so much.


This is now making the rounds of the anti vax derposphere

Got to say the pandemic is officially over. I just saw a commercial where a group of people are obviously on vacation, one of the sneezes and instead of going ā€œoh damn sheā€™s got COVID. Got to quarantineā€, the ad is like ā€œGot a vacation cold? Take Alka-Seltzer Plusā€

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Sounds like cruise ship fun!

FYI the ekg changes here arenā€™t significant in any way. It was dumb that the FAA ever required a normal PR interval.