COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Think there’s a decent argument this should be called the Pi variant. Immunocompromised are more fucked than a year ago as a lot of the secondary tools are now useless and we arent funding work on potential replacements. Otherwise just proceed as if there is a lot of COVID around. That will probably be the case for the forseeable future, trough COVID levels are getting higher according to wastewater data, and assume that even with vaccination and prior infection theres a reasonable chance you are going to catch it if exposed.

Only other change is would be really suspicious of a negative RAT with COVID symptoms. Rapid tests seem to be doing a worse job at detecting COVID, particularly early on in the illness. So if you get a respiratory illness Id just assume it is COVID (assuming no positive for flu or RSV) and proceed accordingly.

Surge has already been happening in northeast for a few weeks anyways.


Strong case for new vaccines if it’s doubly removed from alpha.

The bivalent still should be a helpful update, but hard to keep up fully with updates with the speed at which this virus is still evolving. Also, hypothetically speaking since this isnt a real choice, it seems unclear if Id rather have an OG booster within the last 3 months vs. a bivalent booster 12+ months ago. Shitty booster rate is scary as not sure the primary two shot dose is providing the level of severe outcome protection we’d like to see if someone took them when they came out. Still pretty good evidence/support that being updated on vaxxes provides excellent protection against severe acute outcomes (helps with long COVID too, but how much unclear).

Any high points to this 16:43 minute youtube? Because Im really not inclined to just see everything that John Campbell has to say today given his very poor/anti-vax track record. I am open to hearing if you think he has any salient points though.

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Probably the part where you click the X in the top right corner and stop watching it.


Because of course.

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It’s just a poorly done troll.

You agree with this guy’s claim in this video that getting covid is worthwhile protection against getting covid that we should be pushing more?

If that’s what Campbell is pushing in this video then I vehemently disagree. Hard to see the benefit of a deliberate natural immunity/mass infection strategy.

He literally takes the time for a dramatic switch of camera so that he can make a personal plea for exactly this. He calls for political leaders to promote if not organize mass infection.

Hey I was an advocate for tossing all the non vaxxers onto an island. Locking them up in stadiums is a cheaper solution.

Could the XBB.1.5 variant take off in the UK?

Figures for the week to Saturday 17 December from the Sanger Institute in Cambridge suggested that one in 25 Covid cases in the UK were XBB.1.5.

Prof Barclay said she expected more hospitalisations in the UK if the variant takes off here, “as we expect it to do”.

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Man, never would have guessed you were too cowardly to own up to promoting a guy pushing mass infection.

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You get a “here’s what the mainstream media won’t tell you!” within the first twenty seconds, I got a laff out of that.

I just cant believe three years into this there’s still a yeah natural immunity is the way out claim. Its pretty obvious with Omicron we arent getting to herd immunity with current tools and that the only thing more infections bring is more death and sickness.

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I’m not surprised at that at all. What I’m surprised by is that it’s allowed to be posted as a serious idea here.

Welp, I got covid for the 3rd time. Tested positive yesterday but I’ve felt fine, and I only tested because I was around my mom who was sick.


Matusow confusing me.

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It’s such a dumb idea it’s too much for him. Sit in that for a bit. lol

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