COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I know it’s unthinkable now, but I imagine the group of people who are now called politicians were once just called “leaders”. Good leaders know they don’t know everything, pick experts well, make judgements about how to interpret and implement the information they get, and inspire the people they’re leading to work toward success.


None of the people who want to tar and feather Fauci ever have a good response to this one. Mostly there is no response at all. But they seem to all make that claim.

Wouldn’t it just be government control over people?

How does that benefit Fauci?

I’m sorry but this is utter nonsense. Political decisions are made by career civil service workers all the time, and public health inherently requires political considerations.

I also have a hard time believing this is your actual objection to Fauci’s work considering the Oster stuff you advocated for earlier here. Seems like your criticism is driven by your personally favored political outcome more than Fauci’s recommendations.

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I don’t think they necessarily need to know that part, but if they feel like they do there’s a whole grab bag of theories.

Uh their “theory” is that he was getting his pockets filled with Pfizer blood money and getting his killer virus gain of function “research” $$$$$. That he could also exert mass control over the sheeple while drunk on power is just icing on the cake.


Wastewater shows a big surge underway, particularly in the northeast.

If you care about getting infected by COVID, might be a decent time to ramp up precautions.

Unclear how well our non-vax tools for the vulnerable work for this variant. Bivalent booster should help some for preventing infection, how much tbd.

Hospitalizations are on the rise, may be some degree of worse acute outcomes from this strain.


I feel like this was a virtual given with people moving indoors for cold weather plus packing into closed spaces for shopping and holiday parties plus travelling all over the place to visit family. We should see a surge like this every December for years to come I would think.

Probably true to some extent. Just part of the fun of new normal!

I really am a bit scared of what it looks like in ten years if we are all on COVID infection number six or w/e.

I’m optimistic that we’re drawing live to a true boomer remover variant.

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Glad you are so upbeat about so thoroughly wiping out the disabled and immune compromised and everything, but if that’s the route we are going could just evolve to wipe out those with more active immune systems like last century’s pandemic. Luckily haven’t really seen this sort of evolution three years in, although current path seems bad enough.

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Well, that’s fucking dumb

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Many of those boomers are our parents jackass. Your keyboard edgelording is really fucking old.


Your parents get an exemption for raising a good kid.

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That’s the first we’ve heard of Clovis’ sibling, isn’t it?



Boomer remover variant. Unstuck bringing in the new year in full geronticide style.


He found that XBB.1 was the slipperiest of them all. It was 63 times less likely to be neutralized by antibodies in the blood of infected and vaccinated people than BA.2 and 49 times less likely to be neutralized compared with BA.4 and BA.5.

In terms of immune evasion, Ho says, these variants have shifted as far away from the antibodies we have made to use against them as the original Omicron variant was from the Covid-19 viruses that preceded it roughly a year ago.

I’m not sure how alarmed I’m supposed to be about this, so I’ll proceed at a level of moderately alarmed, which is pretty much my baseline anyway.

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