COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

My wife is winning the shit lottery. Any help appreciated. This morning she woke up with pain in the right side of her head and neck and numbness in her right feet. This afternoon those symptoms went away to the point that she was feeling almost completely normal, and tonight its back. Pain and pressure inside her head and down her neck. I dont know what to do to help at this time. I see things that say this is normal, this is severe, this happens a lot, etc but nothing concrete. She started taking Paxlovid and thats when the symptoms came back. They wax and wane, and we are going to call the pharmacist in the morning. Anything we should do in the meantime?

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Typically best initial headache treatments are fluids, 1000mg of Tylenol up to 3x per day and 6pm of Motrin 3x per day

We havent tried the motrin, ill give it a try. Her brother has had it twice, said the symptoms were similar to what the doctor described as covid fatigue.

He seems to be calming her down, she has some general anxiety and Ive read Covid can really ratchet that up

So I’m feeling much better. Except I just had a small amount of like thick dark blood show up in my mouth. At first I felt it with my tongue and thought it was mucus. Then I saw it, and my first instinct was it was from my nose or mouth, but there was no sign whatsoever that it came from either. It was also thicker and darker than what you’d normally see from a nose bleed. So I’m about certain I coughed it up. I did have a sneeze or 2 earlier that shot like a sharp pain through my chest and back, not sure if related.

I called the local er and checked if they thought I should come in and get checked out, but they thought I was safe to hold off with it being the first time and a small amount. They told me to come in if it becomes repeated.

I just wanted to see if the UP docs agreed.

I’m also enjoying a constant chemically taste in my mouth from starting paxlovid today.

Absolutely not a doctor and maybe closer to the opposite of one but it seems reasonable to me that as a one time thing you file it away and don’t sweat it, but if it becomes a repeated thing you probably want a smart person to look at it.

In case you were curious, it is very easy to schedule an updated booster (bivalent) right now. Literally every pharmacy around me had openings today.

Moderna and Pfizer or just Pfizer?

Safeway has both Pfizer and Moderna available. I don’t want to go through the other schedulers to check. Which one is better? I think I selected Pfizer without really knowing.

Well the correct answer is that there isn’t any evidence to show one is significantly better than the other.

There was some evidence to show that the OG Moderna might have induced a bit of a higher antibody response than Pfizer. But even that isn’t sufficient evidence to say it is for sure more protective.

However, based on that, I had a small preference for Moderna. I made an approx 45-60 min drive to get Moderna instead of Pfizer which was available walking distance from my house.

Yes but would Emily say?

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Children aged 10-19y played the greatest relative role in propagating Omicron epidemics, particularly when schools were open, followed by children aged 0-9y and adults aged 20-29y, as well as adults aged 30-49y. Persons aged over 50y played a more limited role in propagating Omicron infection in the community.

Translation: Adults aged 30-49y and persons aged over 50y were the most responsible for propagating Omicron infection in the community.

Pandemic rerun

Still have to do it a week out here, but same here for the bivalent.

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US going to require negative COVID test to fly from China which is quite lol given (gestures around at everything).


For the Autumn wave (Sep. 18 – Nov. 12), the highest RR estimate belonged to children aged 10-19y (RR=1.63 (0.72,3.71)), followed by adults aged 30-34y (RR=1.34 (0.8,2.25)) and 20-24y (RR=1.20 (0.65,2.21)).


Freedom Flu is fine but this dirty foreign Chinese plague must be stopped.


Recommend you buy an RV and start cooking meth in the desert.

My wife still pozzing on day 8. Is it still the case that she can come out after day 10 even if still pozz?

I didn’t mind a 10 day isolation at all, but my wife is super-social, this has been awful for her.

CDC says you can exit isolation on day 5 but you have to mask up.