COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Wife hasn’t been too sick but has lost smell/taste on day four. Hopefully that’s fleeting.

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The sore throat that started on Thursday got worse over the weekend, and a bad cough joined it yesterday. Continued to test negative for covid every day. Last night the sore throat was probably the most painful I’ve ever had outside of times I’ve had NG tubes irritating it for several days. Woke up today and couldn’t talk. Had literally zero ability to speak.

I went to a Patient First urgent care since they can do all the testing, x-rays if needed, etc on site. Got there at 10am and was seen at 2pm. Lets just say they were a bit busy. Overheard one Dr say to another “is this giving you flashbacks yet?” I’m sure the holiday weekend is part of the problem with people waiting until after they pozz grandma before going to the Dr, but man it sure seems like we are in for a big wave of all kinds of sickness.

The good news is I tested negative for Covid, flu A/B, and strep. The bad news is I still feel like absolute fucking shit.


Yea this Omicron sore throat ain’t no joke.

Finally feel like I’m turning a corner. 3 full days in bed. Pretty cool that we have to live with this for the rest of our lives.


What y’all are describing is pretty much every cold I’ve ever had in my life. If anything COVID was milder for me (perhaps due to vax). That why I’m on #TeamMask4Lyfe, if I can even cut out one cold a year through masking in public more, then I’ll happily do it.


Wife having some scary symptoms today (white tongue, nerve pain all over her body) She has a 2 oclock video appointment where we hope she will be prescribed paxlovid, but im really worried right now. I guess semi-permanent nerve damage can be a thing?


Sorry to hear that. Hope she fully recovers.

Ouch. We had to beg a little for the Paxlovid as we were borderline. I thought they were relaxing that.

Also sorry to say but those sound more like Zombie symptoms.

Hope she feels well soon.

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It looks like I’m not eligible for Paxlovid according to CVS screener. I assume it’s because of two medications I take that showed up in their questions.

I am feeling a better today. Not coughing so much, and don’t feel the restriction on deep breaths like yesterday. O2 is 95-96. Yesterday it was 91-92.


that’s likely bullshit.

Bedside manner needs some work imo.


As someone who had experienced multiple Respitory infections every year of my life I agree. I haven’t been sick once since Covid started.

/knocks on wood
/puts on mask

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Somebody explain this to me. Wife and kid are pozzed. I slept in bed with my wife the day before she tested positive. I am exhibiiting her exact signs in order that she got before taking her test. 99.8 fever, sore throat (increasing by the hour) stuffy/runny nose and headache. The only thing I dont have is stomach trouble, and now my lungs are starting to hurt a bit.Ive tested negative both yesterday and today and I dont fucking get it.

Lost count of the number of stories I’ve read where people have 5 +/- negative tests before they finally test positive. Variance?

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Do a PCR if you really want to be sure. If you do a RAT swab throat and cheek as well as nose. Given the symptoms abs her being positive seems more likely than not you are positive too. Some thought that the newest variants dont pop positive as soon.

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Rapid antigen tests take a bit sometimes. Very likely have it.

Yeah, if you really need documentation of a positive test, then get a PCR. Otherwise, just assume you’ve got it.

When we were low on tests, we just tested kid 1 and didn’t bother with kid 2 to conserve tests (and it wouldn’t change anything we did).

I see we let Djokovic back into the country.

Boston considering the return of indoor mask mandates. I believe LA county is as well.

LA’s been threatening to bring back mask mandates for a while now but I don’t think they actually will.

Don’t think Boston will either, but do think they’ll bring them back in schools temporarily.