COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Haven’t looked into this much, but two things:

  • Seems interesting
  • metformin has been sold as lots of things with varying levels of evidence

I meant everyone I was trying to convince to get the duo booster.

Since I take it for pre diabetes I guess I am covered. :wink:

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Welp I’m finally off the train. Christmas Eve night I puked my brains out. Christmas day I laid in bed the entire day with a fever. Today I’m coughing, sore and achy. I figured I have the flu but I had one home test left. It was positive.

Dodge it for 3 years only to get it on Christmas Eve, fuck you universe.


You’re just helping us attain herd immunity.


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This is interesting. My wife also had major stomach issues including vomiting. Maybe Im wrong but I dont remember this ever being a symptom of Covid. Has the newest variant introduced it as a symptom?

no some people have been like that always

Ok good to know, I never saw anything listing it as a symptom

Can you grind up adult Tylenol or Motrin in the right dose and give it to kids? Looks like gonna be getting through at least the winter with whatever we have on hand, just curious what the alternatives would be.

Hope Biden tweets soon about his new normal of no medicine for children.

Yeah round 1 all 3 in my family had mostly stomach issues.

Here’s some info. I’d imagine you would want to just use the plain stuff and not an extended release version or something like that.

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You can, just be very careful if you’re dosing an infant.

Thank you both. Yes, luckily not an infant so should be a little less troublesome if it comes to it.

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Back in the day you just gives em some Jack.

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Question time. My youngest son is now also positive and he was hanging out with my eldest who is now isolating. Is it ok for my youngest and my wife to share space together since they are both positive with symptons

can’t think of a reason why not, they both have covid.

Yah I only slept in a different room from my wife when we were pozzed because sharing a bed when 1 person is sick is terrible let alone both. But yah whoever is pozzed can get loose together and should stay away from unpozzed people who would like to stay that way imo.

Wife just tested positive for covid after getting sick a few days after I did, which means I must have had it too. Both perfectly fine now and it didn’t feel like what I thought it would feel like, as it was relatively mild with no sore throat or cough, but there you go.


I’m coughing pretty bad now and can feel it in my lungs. Not sure if it’s just sore from coughing, or what, but deep breaths have a little discomfort. At what point should I seek treatment. First symptoms were 2 days ago.


Well if paxlovid is something you’d consider sooner is better than later.

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