COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Molnupiravir, which is made by Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD), is very expensive- a seven-day course costs around £577.

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Second test leaves no doubt.

Unrelated, my mother asked if we were coming to Christmas. Just lol.


A guy I know used to love eggs and cannot eat them anymore after Covid. He said they taste like vomit now

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She asked that after you told her you were pozzed?


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Well are you?


Many of us have certain branches of the family tree that could use a good pozzin’. Not that any of us wouldn’t follow the guidance of our local health authorities.

Can you share what you mean by this, and what you are using to support this thought? I don’t even know what you mean by a “RNA” vaccine.

General concept of constantly needing to update the vaccine is spot on. Not so sure about the mRNA statement. Fast to develop and modify. Already proven highly efficacious.

I’m somewhat hoping that Variants arising in China from a subpar vaccinated population won’t challenge the mRNA derived immunity elsewhere.

I’d like to see an evaluation of whether mixing a traditional vaccine into the mix makes sense.

—-current gen mRNA highly effective at preventing severe acute outcomes with regular boosting BUT wane abs seem susceptible to severe reduction in VE as COVID mutates
——mRNA can be updated, but continued evolution given policy of allowing unfettered spread and approval process for boosters makes this less useful than we first thought
—-can’t speak as well to outside the US, but in the US our current government is awful and getting worse at running vaccination campaigns. Current booster rate is abysmal, youth vaccination rate is abysmal.
—-some early signs traditional vaccines lower VE than in the early days of mRNA but somewhat less prone to waning and variant sensitivity.

Given our current failure at pandemic management likely will be heading towards 100k plus acute COVID deaths (conservatively) a year in the US plus whatever long-term damage repeated infections bring plus our healthcare system deteriorating with every winter I am disappointed that we aren’t exploring alternatives to the current poor mRNA vax only strategy.

Your mom sounds amazing.

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At a more basic level, what’s an rna vaccine? Does that exist?

Grunching but :vince4:

Sounds a bit like how I am now.

My sinsuses were all messed up during my flight to the US Thursday night and how I cough a couple times an hour along with having an intermittently stuffy/runny nose.

Also like you, I got my fourth jab in October and had covid earlier this year. So it shouldn’t be covid.

It’s probably a cold and if it is covid then everybody I’m in the house with (4 other people) have already been exposed and it’s too late. Just gotta enjoy Christmas and get over it.

Seems that people in America are definitely more concerned with covid than the Czech Republic though. Barely heard a word about covid since the mask mandates were lifted earlier in the year in CR.

Haven’t had luck getting anyone to get the duo booster. Everyone seems to think the og shot plus two boosters is enough and they are fine. I bring it up, but people don’t want to hear it.

Who is “everyone” in this context?

Nearly three years later, it strikes within my household. Wifey is first pozzed. Pretty concerned but hoping for something mild. My test came negative so the room is hers for the forseable future.

Time for me to get acquainted with Mr couch


I remembered I had a cot for camping in my garage, it’s worked out pretty great, much better than the couch. My family leaves tomorrow so God willing I’ll be back in a real bed in the guest room tomorrow night.

My wife’s symptoms have been pretty mild - mostly fatigue. She asked for a plate from Christmas Eve dinner last night and ate it all, so that’s a good sign. So far nobody else in the home has gotten it, knock on wood.

Hope it’s mild for your wife and passes quickly.


Thanks. Things seem to be going ok so far, praise vaccine.

Our couch is actually unbelievably comfortable and is my go to whenever either of us get sick. I just feel bad for the kids. Luckily we kinda did all the Christmasy stuff last week