COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I think that’s if you’re symptom-free, which she’s not. I also think when the CDC changed that rule they were more concerned about keeping Starbucks etc open than anything else.

My interpretation is they only recommend continuing to isolate beyond 5 days if you had breathing issues or a fever

True but I don’t think day 8 or day 10 makes a huge difference overall.

If she’s still pozzing on the RAT then she is likely still contagious to some extent. How much hard to say. CDC guidelines aren’t really designed to stop spread. Kind of a you-do-you thing at this point with how long to isolate tbh. Wish there were better guidelines to help you, but we don’t really do public health for COVID in USA anymore.

This is what ive heard as well. Cdc clear after 5 days if fever is gone, which is probably why this will never go away. Its pretty clear youre still contagious and coughing and shit at day 5

Is there a country, in your opinion, that does public health right? What are their recs?

Yes. CDC guidelines are 5 days then (I think) mask for five. If you are positive on the RAT I still wouldn’t be spending time around grandma on day 8 though. Testing when symptomatic and isolating the full five probably more than most people are doing, but definitely can’t just walk out after day 5 and be confident you aren’t spreading cuz CDC guidelines. They aren’t designed for that, they are designed to get people back to critical jobs during the age of Omicron.

Would expect something like five days then two negative RAT 24 hours apart or ten days and a negative RAT would get most of the way there (especially with n95 through day 14 regardless) but honestly, at this point, who gives a shit we are just living with pandemic COVID.

That all makes sense. I’m just curious about which enlightened country has something like that as their official recommendation. I thought everyone is YOLOing it at this point. But I’m not sure. I haven’t checked everywhere.

Many did through 2021 or even into 2022. Now not sure anyone does. The worker bees aren’t valuable enough to protect long term and if we kill off the infirm and live shorter lives then the well off can pay less in taxes.

Thanks for the input all. Would definitely love for her to be allowed some more human contact, but not at the cost of myself or either of the kids getting sick. Gonna hope she’s negative at day 10.

My older kid’s girlfriend is unvaxxed (anti vaxx mother, it’s a whole situation, just found out that the mother’s boyfriend is a sovcit), kid is hoping to have her over for NYE.

I waited until 10 days + negative test, but everyone is different in terms of their need for social contact. I’m guessing if your wife has been diligently isolating for 8 days, she probably doesn’t want to get someone sick more than she wants to hang out with them, so she’ll probably stick with it another day or two.

When you say symptomatic, what are we talking? If it’s a lingering cough, but no fever and she doesn’t “feel ill” I wouldn’t really be considering that as a red mark against a return to civilization. I still wanted to see that line go away before I felt comfortable licking others tho, even just to psychologically let myself off the hook if I killed them accidentally.

Cough, fatigue. No fever as far as I know. She is markedly peppier today.

If she absolutely had to emerge today, we’d deal with it. We have the luxury of waiting as long as we think is responsible, so it’s just about finding that balance.

I bet she’s super close to throwing a neg rapid. And yeah, mask up in public and be a solid human, but it’s probably fine if she had to be pressed into service.

Once again Nate is close but still misses the point.

Lol, public health has always been “political”. You can’t regulate the behavior of humans without politics.

Yup can’t put the facts/sci/med out there and just let the other side flail away.


The correct conclusion for a Nate type to make when he reluctantly looks up from his navel and notices and for the first time that public health is political is: in some cases the government, even using “ugly” government tools like mandates, delivers a societal value that far exceeds its costs. Government mandated public health programs are one of humanity’s biggest achievements and probably the single biggest justification for government mandates.


Is this a 2p2er with a thinly veiled dids reference?

ETA: guess not

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I’m at about 4.5 days since first symptoms. Feeling mostly normal, except a lingering cough. Just tried a rapid test again, but it’s still positive. I will probably rejoin my family with a mask tomorrow and keep testing every day.

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