COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

My almost 3 year old is getting over it. Hearing her cough like that was not fun. She seems to be getting better and mostly over it. My wife has it and is getting wrecked by it. She is super tough and doesn’t complain when she is sick but she is struggling. I somehow haven’t gotten it from them yet……

Count today: 4 RSV, 1 flu. Improvement!

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So Covid exposure rules were quarantine if you were exposed. My wife and kid are sick with RSV and I’m in small house with them. I have tried to avoid but that’s tough with a little one.
I’m not sick or have any symptoms. Is there any reason for me to not go solo to a big family get together?

Hope my COVID and flu vaccines hold up during the winter.

Tick tock. It took a while to spread through our house.

Do you expect people who are very old or very young?

my nephew has hand/foot/mouth rn and my immune system has been compromised for a while now, do i have anything to worry about

Are you in contact with him? Hand foot and mouth won’t kill you, but it’s a miserable time. At first you are dealing with painful sores that make it difficult to eat or walk anywhere, and then the outer layers of skin die and peel, so then you have raw skin all over, again making it difficult to eat or walk anywhere. I lost, like, the whole skin off my fourth right toe in one icky piece. And then you will still have weird spots of dead skin that will keep appearing out of nowhere for months.

I’d avoid that as much as possible. It wasn’t fun. We caught this actually about a month before covid lockdowns, so we had already been quarantining at that point. We didn’t want to give it to anyone else.

oh yea i am for sure getting it

3 intubated kids and no one with beds to send them to! Granted only 1 is rsv, but I’ve never had 2 peds vents running at the same time. Going to be a long and very stupid weekend.



never tubed a kiddo successfully before (two misses but I literally couldn’t open their mouths, one innominate fistula into a trach), honestly my worst fear

Covid finally (officially anyways) found its way to our house. Mrs Cooler tested positive last weekend. She had very mild symptoms and the only reason she did a test was because she was around a co-worker that had it last week who ended up getting pretty wrecked by it.

We chose not to isolate because it wasn’t really feasible. Somehow two kids and myself never pozzed despite testing every day. I just have to assume the three of us had to have already gotten it because we’ve all been home together acting as normal since then. Unfortunately this meant no big family thanksgiving because we wanted to be overly cautious with a couple older family members and two others who are pregnant. Just swung by and got a to-go bag from the fam.


I’m curious of the opinions of our medical professionals what’s going on with RSV. It seems to be manifesting in worse sickness than before, or perhaps a higher percentage of cases are severe than before? I rarely if ever heard about it before COVID, certainly never heard about it filling up ERs or putting kids on vents. I had one friend who’s daughter was in the ER with it for like 8 hours, but that was it.

Is this about the same as before and it’s just getting more attention now because there’s more media coverage post-covid? Or is there some change that is driving this? (Changing the timing of infections, kids going 1-2 years without being exposed to it while quarantining and thus having weaker immune responses, covid infections weakening immune systems, etc.)

It seems like two of those three outcomes will correct over a period of a few years, the third would be a huge problem going forward.

As a parent of two young children, one of whom contracted RSV at 5 months old prior to Covid, I can confirm that RSV hospitalizing children was definitely a thing before Covid. We narrowly avoided it with our 5 month old and it was a fucking terrifying experience. I think It exploded this year because, shockingly, masking and lockdowns actually do help prevent respiratory illnesses, so it was really low transmission for a year and a half and now everyone is just getting it at once.

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My baby girl at 6 months went to the NICU because her fever crossed the 100.7 F threshold they warn you about. It ended up being rhinovirus, one of the most common versions of the common cold, but concern about RSV is part of the reason why you go in at that point.


The concern is, at least in some regions, there isnt really a severe surge in RSV prevalence. Its being driven by severity.

My personal (far from expert) opinion from everything Ive read/seen is that all three of Commonwealth’s issues are hurting us now, but that long-term weakened immune systems from COVID infection is absolutely a real thing and we will see persistent public health issues from our decision to allow mass and repeated infection. Degree TBD, I think it could be reaaaallly bad, but too soon to say.

US had issues with access to healthcare prior to COVID given our fucked up system, I think they are going to massively accelerate in the coming years. Fourth winter of healthcare providers just getting absolutely blasted, and its going to get worse before it gets better.

Boy I hope that ends up being wrong. I do remember seeing a study years ago that Measles might in some cases “wipe” a lot of your immune system memory away. Hopefully Covid isn’t like that.

i flew tuesday morning and woke up today with horrible headache and sore throat, rip

Went to my parents for Tgiving last night feeling fine. Woke up with sore throat. Wet lung cough Stuffed nose and absolutely abysmal amounts of phlegm. Unlikely I picked up sonething therr that manifested so quickly, right? More likely culprit was being out at Costco on a busy Wednesday befofe tgiving right?

Take a test. There is a lot more not-covid floating around right now than Covid.

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