COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

What ages?

All of them are babies. Few weeks to 24 months. Iā€™m fucking over watching babies struggle to breathe. Maybe its hitting different now that Iā€™m a parent, maybe itā€™s because managing a pediatric airway is the thing I feel weakest about as a physician, maybe itā€™s because thereā€™s so much more of them, but this is dragging me down hard right now.


I really fucking hate pediatric airways. Iā€™ve had two in the past three years. I didnā€™t get either of them for the same reason. Blurred for a reason:

Both were dead for so long they were in rigor mortis and I couldnā€™t open their mouth properly. Both were murders by parents. That just sticks with you and eats at your confidence, even if know itā€™s not your fault intellectually.

What did the parents need to do differently?

I have a 16 month old and I have such strong emotions when heā€™s sick.

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Iā€™m pretty sure my little one just turned the corner on RSV. It started 2 Fridays ago for me, then on to the 6 month old, and now my partner is just getting over it. We all still have a lingering cough and a little bit of a runny nose at times, but it is way different than the nights Iā€™d wake up because my airway was blocked by mucus and shit.

It is my babyā€™s first sickness, so just confirming what Chips and you have intimated about the emotions. Iā€™ve only felt that similar pit in my stomach after finding out someone close to me died.


meh not much. Can suction nose. If theyā€™re miserable from a fever know the dose of tylenol or motrin you can give safely for their age/weight.

This is probably a big part of it. I could no longer handle child abuse homicide cases once I had my own kids. Iā€™ll also never forget any of their faces, it stays with you forever. (Sorry to be depressing).

last thanksgiving my 18 month old niece started convulsing and not too long after was unresponsive, then brain dead a while later. had to keep her hooked up for over a month in the infant icu while they ran tests. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll ever see anything like it again, and I have seen some terrible things, if anyone was exposed to that every single day it would definitely wear on you


I got boosted today :muscle:


I had the same experience after my son was born. Just hits different

Got COVID again this morning. Disappointed because I have to cancel my travel plans (along with wife and kids) to see my parents. I guess this is as good of an excuse as any to get around to watching Andor.


That sucks, unfortunately this is going to be a risk for travel for the near future.

Does anyone know if COVID risks change the dynamics of travel cancellation insurance? I have always categorized cancellation insurance as ā€œrip off insuranceā€ like buying an extended warranty. Did those sons of bitches change their policies so that if you have to cancel with COVID you donā€™t get paid?

I am sick too, but I think it is the latest iteration of what sent my girl to the ER. Guess I should take. A. Covid test though.

Sort of. I bet at least a larger minority and possibly a majority of people are now just traveling with mild COVID.

Got my first ever positive. I was bragging to my friends kid on Sunday that he and I were the only two who hadnā€™t had it yet. Hubris!

Only symptom is a wild level of aches. Hope it stays that way.


when you read the fine print of cancellation insurance you realize they donā€™t actually really cover much at all

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Covid entering the holiday season fixin to FEAST.

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RSV/Flu hogging the table honestly