COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’m sure there isn’t a tidy answer here, but do folks think that if you’re vaxxed and have had a mild COVID infection that you cleared easily enough that you’re probably out of the woods in terms of being a person that ends up with a severe/life threatening/deadly case in the future?

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Yeah mono fucked up my heart for a long time.

Risk has to be lower. No way you can really show that in a study without a massive n

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Yeah, my son had it Friday to Tueaday, I got it Sunday to Thursday and my wife started her bout late Wednesday night. This 2nd day is the worst and she is not having a good time :(

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Same. Its such a minor inconvenience when shopping or running errands. A little more annoying at work and probably costs me some money, but whatever. If it gives me an extra few percentage points of protection, I’ll do it.

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I’m running low on my mask stash. What’s a good, comfortable, effective mask with ear loops that y’all like?

Not ear loops but the 3M Aura N95 is the best for long wear. For a KN95 with earloops I use the Powecom. It’s fine, nothing special though.

Thanks. I find ear loops way more comfortable than head straps. Although, I know that N95 with head strap gives the best protection, I willing to sacrifice a bit of protection for comfort when it comes to daily casual use (e.g. grocery store).

I actually think the Aura is the most comfy by far. But I do use KN95s with ear loops for quick off and on situations - like the grocery store. Just more convenient and I’m not sweating the 97% vs 98% or whatever.

Yeah, for this reason I gave up on n95’s for everything but the highest risk situations (being on an airplane, being indoors at Disney World). I do Kn95’s with loops everywhere else too.

Second the 3M Aura recommendation. Best mix of comfort and feeling like you have a good seal.

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Whelp, I just tested positive. I got my bivalent booster September 2, right after it was approved, but tested positive this afternoon. My symptoms are very mild, but 2 others at my work just tested positive and sure enough so did I. So far, my symptoms are much more mild than when I had a non-covid cold a few weeks ago.


Is anyone aware of any studies that show that the bivalent booster causes a good immune response in kids. Got an appointment for bivalent for kids set up.

might be a certain poster’s dream…

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Aw gee I’ve got the COVID, guess I’ll just have to stay at Disneyworld for the next month.


I would love that Covid isolation.

Honestly after trying to schedule boosters for my family on the pharmacy websites Im surprised booster uptake is even as high as it is. Might prefer death to scheduling a vaccine on

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Yeah I need to schedule booster and flu shot. Last time I did it with CVS they simply didn’t have my reservation at all. I still got the shot but had to wait a bit.

Yeah, Im trying to keep the kids all at the same pharmacy for ease of record keeping, but it isnt just the finding a date. Theyre further out than I expected, but I’ll get around that and get something booked. Its the whole website set up and experience. Everything is antithetical to an effective vaccination campaign.

—Trying to schedule group boosters. Someone in order to get this to work right I had to move to an incognito browser to get around whatever cookies were in there. Only was letting me do it individually.
—Cant check dates available until you fill in everyone’s information including, I believe, insurance details.
—On CVS site the “we want your feedback” pop up clicks up every second webpage.
—Getting the times were not intuitive. Some stores the times were available, some stores had to click through to see it.
—State vaccine finder website just like yeah vaccines are available, just go to the CVS website glglglgl.

None of this is new news, but just a reminder how goddamn bad the government response has been given that its basically get vaccinated and no other mitigation but also getting vaccine appointment just outsourced to massively understaffed pharmacies with awful websites. Just a fucking terrible job by team Biden and company.

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