COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Yeah im not worried for my safety or anything but this blows.

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Apparently strep is going around elementary schools now.

My oldest daughter is sick as hell, it sucks. Home with her today. I donā€™t think itā€™s covid, she instant tested negative. The Doctor tested her for strep and covid, but didnā€™t think it was either. Had to give her a steroid because her breathing was bad last night :(. Being a parent is hard.


someone i know is refusing to get bivalent booster. itā€™s a really bad idea, ~70. says they are afraid of the temporary side effect too much. it was probably bad with the previous doses, i donā€™t doubt it.

anyone have any arguments on how to nudge them towards taking it?

I start coughing about 4 weeks out if I talk a lot. Stopped taking Mucinex DM a few days back.

Simply opening a window would go a long way. But we canā€™t do that.

On prior shots I noticed a huge difference when I hydrated a ton on the day I took the shot, including pounding a couple Gatorade Zeros right after, and then took a nap as soon as the fatigue came on.

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I schedule for afternoon. I hydrate all day with vitamin Zero. Then I slam a couple beers and get the jab. Chugg some more vitamin zeros. Then get a buzz from more beers and go to sleep. Itā€™s worked so far. Iā€™m scheduling the new booster for this week. Iā€™ll report back if it works again.

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Have they had COVID? I imagine itā€™d be hard to convince someone who is vaccine-hesitant who has already been infected with COVID and survived without major issue.

Side effects might mean itā€™s working even better. They should fist pump when the fever and chills come on:

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i donā€™t think so.

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Story checks out for me.

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To me staying as vaxed as possible is all about mitigating the chance of dying or getting severely wrecked by a novel virus that your immune system hasnā€™t squared off with. A day feeling icky is better than a small chance of getting mechanically ventilated so to me itā€™s a no brainer. Hope they come around but if not at least they have had their primary course.


Yep. This. And while itā€™s certainly not true for everyone, itā€™s a relatively common experience for vaxxed people who get covid to find it less troublesome than even a cold. That was almost unheard of before the vaccines. Iā€™d get a cold vaccine if it made colds less bad! Vaccines are one of the greatest achievements in all of human health. They are so successful in so many cases with such mild side effects that it is lunacy that people arenā€™t getting every one for any disease they are at any real risk of contracting.

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Youā€™re telling me. Iā€™ve been trying (not that hard, but trying) to get vaxxed for smallpox/monkeypox for months. Itā€™s not that easy.

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Fucking shock of shocks, pandemic measures like masking and social distancing lead to protections against non-covid viruses as well, and now that we have just given up on all that, there is a huge spike in RSV, which is what everyone around me and a bunch of us here seem to have gotten the last week or so.

Maybe masking and distancing during flu season isnt the worst thing in the world, and I know I know, thatssocialism.jpg.

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At least based on my observations in large cities in the US it seems like Asian tourists have been masking in crowds long before COVID.

I still wear a mask when I am out and about. I am one of only a few though.


I still wear a mask whenever Iā€™m indoors in a common/public area.


We had a wave of RSV here too. My gf had it and had nearly as bad a time as COVID