COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

If derpers believe vaccine cleaners actually work, that’s a good thing. DUCY?

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So what you’re saying is there may be a group of people attempting to vacuum out their insides to get rid of the vaccine, and considering drinking bleach if they catch COVID?

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~24 hours after my bivalve booster and only a sore arm, just like the last 4. I even tempted fate and got a flu shot at the same time.

:ballot_box_with_check: Sore arm(s)
:ballot_box_with_check: 5G
:x: Other symptoms
:x: Clams


Pretty much the same for me last week. I might have had some chills/fever the next day but it was so mild I’m not sure I wasn’t just imagining it.


I just got the bivalent booster (supersized w/ flu shot, why not) and it’s my first Pfizer after 3 Moderna shots. With Moderna all I got was a swollen and sore arm for 24 hrs, we’ll see with Pfizer. I’m going to guess I’ll have a sore arm


Booster received yesterday afternoon.

18 hours in: A bit of achiness and chills, very minor arm soreness, but nothing else.

Not sure if achiness and chills are because of the shot or because my toddler woke up from 11 to midnight then at 5:10 AM this morning.


White House baseline projection is for another winter of horrific death numbers. 4% booster rate so far so looking good.

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I’ve got mine + flu scheduled for tomorrow. I’ll end up with Moderna + Moderna + Pfizer + Pfizer.


I’ve gone 4 Moderna.

Not sure I had a choice for the booster.

I do think that we’re going to end up closer to flu-like vaccination rates than current baseline. I’m guessing we end up around 30-35% coverage. A lot of this forum is not boosted yet for this fall/winter. That tells me that there will be a lot more shots in arms in the next month than the last month.

Bold to think we’re done here.


A surge in deaths and/or public messaging will also drive more boosters among normal people that have just gotten complacent. Same for any restrictions in travel for people without boosters. Unless the Republican ISIS faction manages to seize power and ban vaccines because they are Heretical.

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I want to feel closer to normal before getting anymore shot.

I’m thinking flu shot in a couple three weeks and then bivalent before thanksgiving.

I’m still producing extra mucous and taking extra naps about 3 weeks out. Though I do have a history of being a mucous factory in general. The last 2.5 years have been strange to have a clean sinus/throat.

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I think the travel restriction days are over for most locales, especially for boosters and with the somewhat weak efficacy against transmission of current gen vaccines.

I would agree we’ll beat the blue line but dont think we get to flu shot rates with the current awful job being done by the Federal government and our favorite state governments actively pivoting to anti-vax messaging).

Not that like 2000 deaths a week+long COVID+whatever the fuck another winter panic is gonna do to healthcare is a lot to celebrate but this battle just so over at this point whatever I guess, thats what we are as a society. I have much more modest goals for public health, like keeping USA ebola oubreaks to a relative minimum,

I’m not sure I see a point in aiming higher than avoiding a collapse of the health care system.

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Not saying I agree with that, but if you view a slow motion implosion as a collapse I dont even think we have aimed that high.

My wife started getting sick on Saturday. She took a home COVID test Sunday morning before we had a few people over, and it was negative. She got a bit worse, and I started getting sick yesterday. We both re-took a brand of home test today and are both positive. She went to the doctors today (before taking the home test) and they did a PCR, so that should confirm it.

We both got boosters on Thursday of last week. So far it’s just a man-cold. I feel like it’s movie marathon time tonight.


Boosters approved for 5-12 year olds (bivalent boosters). Can’t find a pharmacy chain that will let me schedule yet. CVS references it, but then it fails out when you try to schedule.

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Got my baby a flu shot yesterday and she is pissed. Apparently need another one in 4 weeks.

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