COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

She condensed it into a blog post.

Lol no author names listed. Ron wrote it himself?

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Lol, they included all “cardiac arrest” deaths. Fucking LOL. If someone was shot and then they bled out and then their heart stopped, all after taking a vaccine, they counted. My earlier example of someone who got into a car crash and died after getting the vaccine…. likely would have counted as a cardiac arrest death in this study.

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And the haphazard exclusion of those that had Covid. Jfc.

I don’t know, sounds like they did a great job to me. They have to have picked up some anti vaxxer votes and they didn’t lose any votes.

Some of those anti-vaxxers who will go from not voting to voting GOP can replace some of the olds they got killed with COVID denial.


My bad I guess I flagged something without noticing. Didn’t me too.

Sorry to whoever I hit!

I started feeling some muscle aches last night and slept in for a while this morning. Other than being a little sleepy now I’m feeling fairly good now. Hopefully the worst of the side effects are done.

Are we even going to know if COVID surges again?

It’s always going to be surging again.

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Depends where you are.

People in the Czech Republic are no longer entitled to free PCR tests. Insurance will cover them if a form is submitted by your GP but that’s enough of a barrier to keep people with mild cases from getting tested to confirm their diagnosis. Instead, they’ll just stay home until symptoms subside and go about life or even yolo and work through it if they’re mild enough.

So I would argue that a lot of mild covid cases are not being documented here.

A positive coming from this is that there’s been an uptick in the number of people getting vaccinated per day over the last month or so. I guess I can be happy about that. It’s still a miniscule number per day (on average 12-13,000 people per day in a country of 10.5 million) but almost double what it was a month ago.

Seems like not testing mild cases is the right move now, no? They can do population testing using the sewage system already.

Haven’t read anything about the Czech Republic doing that recently. Most recent article is this past summer.

EDIT: OK, found some Czech language academic articles that are more recent than that.

In Ontario we still count hospitalizations and deaths, so we’ll always see surges but it will always be too late. We will see the wreckage of surges after the fact.


I did feel a bit different today. Unusually fond feelings for Bill Gates. 🤷

True story: I got a new phone a couple weeks ago and today is the first time I noticed it had a 5G connection.


omg when they put the chip into your brain, they sunk it in deep, didn’t they?

It’s been nice knowing you all.

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Ah. Toxins. Say no more.

Today for Amazon prime day I went to type in “Vacuum Cleaner” because our vacuum broke and I figured they might have a good sale.

Amazon suggested in the auto complete that what I really was searching for was a “vaccine cleaner.” I have to believe that’s because a lot of idiot anti-vaxxers are searching for that, right? In any event, putting vaccine cleaner into Amazon does, in fact, bring up vacuums, so good on Amazon for not allowing third party sellers to peddle that shit I guess?