COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

The Florida surgeon general is a complete moran

You always want to wait for other studies to back up really odd results like this.

No one should waste time looking at a non-peer reviewed piece of trash study from Floridaā€™s deplorable SG.

Anyways though, I looked at it. The description of their methods is woefully inadequate. Assuming they didnā€™t just lol it up statistically, they had 29 deaths in their age group of 25-39. The difference is easily explained by people who are sicker are going to get vaccinated in that age group.

Finallyā€¦ I donā€™t trust for a second they just happened to have an age group of 25-39, which is a freaking weird age bracket to use. Iā€™m guessing that if you did it 18-29 and 30-39 youā€™d have no difference.

Itā€™s a worthless paper.

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In the 28 days following vaccination, no increase in risk was observed for all-cause deaths

This study cannot determine the causative nature of a participantā€™s death.

The underlying data are even more embarrassing for them than I would have guessed.

In other news, vaccination apparently protects 18-39 year old males from non-cardiac death.


Iā€™ve also heard that vaccination increases your risk of dying in a car crash while driving to and from the vaccination site versus people who stayed home.

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Donā€™t get me wrong, my anger is not at you.

I should have been clearer in my first post.

I was trying to make a joke. Itā€™s harder these days. Serious question i have about ages and vaccines is my toddler was vaccinated few months ago now but do you guys think this booster is going to be offered to them soon?


5 plus supposed to be imminent, toddlers not sure have an ETA yet.

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even if this is real, the baseline rate of cardiac arrest for 18-39 year olds is probably what, like 1:1000000? The increased risk of cardiac arrest is almost certainly dwarfed by the decreased risk of severe long covid symptoms or death.

like, if someone offered you $100 with the only condition being that you had your chances of hitting the powerball reduced by 90% for a month, a lot of people would turn that down.


Yeah that part is handwaved.

some fraction of people who take the $100, will still buy powerball tickets that month


Finally got my second booster yesterday, feel fine and havenā€™t died of a heart attack yet. Also still on team novid, as far as I know.

I didnā€™t bring my vaccine card and they made me drive home and get it after they couldnā€™t confirm that I got all of my previous shots, even though I got all of them at the same pharmacy chain.


Following up on this, Iā€™d wager an 18-39 year old is at least 1000 times more likely to die in a car crash on the way home from the vaccination site as they are of dying from myocarditis from the shot. 1000 is probably magnitudes too low too.

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And those people would still be acting more rationally than the people who refuse the $100.

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Just got boostered and changed my vote accordingly in Wookieā€™s poal.

So far a little bit of arm pain and nothing else. I hope it doesnā€™t get me too bad.


Yeah itā€™s shockingly garbage


Minus the arm pain, I didnā€™t start feeling the effects until 12 hours or so after the shot.

The good news is that they lasted about half a day when I did feel them.