COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I haven’t worn a mask since the covid restrictions were removed in March. Have been business as usual ever since.

Yeah, the poll is good.

Our Europe trip had a big impact on my mask wearing. I was recently recovered from COVID so feeling good immunity-wise, and nobody was wearing masks. Hard to adjust back upon our return.

For my second booster, there was a 6-8 hour window of feeling meh.

Worth it to prevent covid if you ask me.

I’m playing poker with impunity today due to my bout 2 weeks ago.

Talk about tempting the poker gods.

It was a fun session. I was in the middle of a ton of action. Usually when I play occasionally these days I spend 3 hours card dead.

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Gee, I wonder what could account for the difference.


Intense sore throat. Sinus headache. Nonstop sneezing & runny nose. Fever.

Lasted about three days. Coinciding with a trip into Tokyo


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But experts are still puzzling over why these differences exist. Are lower vaccination rates among Republicans responsible? Or did mask use and social distancing guidelines prevent more deaths in counties run by Democrats?

I don’t think it’s crazy to explore which was the more significant factor.

Impossible to say. Is getting tested when you have symptoms not a thing in Japan?

Free antigen tests are available at local drug stores, but officially only for people who DON’T have symptoms, as they don’t want actually sick people anywhere near the place.

I took one a few weeks ago when I thought I might have the 'rona and it came up negative. Had to lie about my symptoms to even be able to receive it. From talking to others the accuracy of these tests isn’t great.

But no, otherwise, widespread testing is still not a thing here. If you’re sick, stay home. If you’re really, really sick, come to the hospital. Then, and only then, will you be given a PCR test.

Not really a thing here either. At this point there’s not a chance Id test for COVID if I was a low wage worker without sick pay. Im not even sure Id bother testing unless I needed to battle with work to stay home when Im sick for some reason. Society just true no fucks given at this point, Im not sure what effort Im trying to help. CDC is phasing out case counts at this point, not that they were accurate anyways.

Florida surgeon general recommends no COVID mRNA vaccines for those 18-39 due to 84% higher risk of cardiac arrest on the month following vaccination.

Ohhhhh it is all too real of a thing, probably not gonna help that 4 percent new booster rate in USA#1. Was only for males, missed that the first time around in my disbelief.

As such, the State Surgeon General recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Those with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when making this decision.

I’m few months out from turning 40. Should I wait until then to get booster?

No, I wouldn’t take the Florida surgeon general study at face value. This was a dear God Florida post, not a here’s new medical information post.

Here’s the study. Looks like lol sample size, I think? idk, I just skimmed it.

The Florida surgeon general has been full deplorable for awhile