COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I think Wookie did a good job explaining how that could very well end up as the opposite case with this new booster. I’m headed out this week to get it and I’m going to take whatever is available.

I would take whatever is available as well.

New Moderna booster kind of kicking my butt, pretty surprising. Meanwhile my 13 year old is pretty sick from the Pfizer. I had confirmed COVID and suspect he had it, perhaps that’s involved.

No, I don’t think so.

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COVID-related physical discomfort experienced by me, ranked:

  1. Shot 4
  2. COVID infection
  3. Shot 2
  4. Shot 3
  5. Shot 1
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  1. shot 3
  2. shot 4
  3. shot 5
  4. shot 2
  5. shot 1

COVID itself is hard to rank because it was much less severe at peak than 1-4, but it was just mildly annoying for a much longer time. With 1-4 I was back to normal in 36-48hrs. I’d much rather take shot 3 experience than another COVID, tho.

It’s seems super random how people respond to these latest boosters. This latest one was the most mild for me by far (Moderna), but my 3rd shot, also Moderna after 2 Pfizers, was the one that hit me by far the hardest. Other people have had the opposite, as well as describing about any other sort of outcomes. If there’s some rule of thumb or predictor for how you might take to your next shot, I haven’t seen it.

  1. Shot 1
  2. Shot 2
    (big gap)
  3. Shot 4
  4. Shot 3

For me:

  1. Shot 1
  2. Shot 2
  3. COVID
  4. Booster

I basically felt nothing from the booster. Shot 1 sucked because it was injected in my right arm which is the side I sleep on. I also had a bit of brain fog and a slight fever that didn’t come with the other shots.

Shot 4 is coming Tuesday

2x doses and 2x old skool boosters were all about the same with ~24 hours soreness. Shingles vax hurt more, for 3 days. All were worse than a tetanus shot.

Haven’t gotten the multi-valent polychromatic vultron vax yet.

Not sure how valuable this experience is, but I only saw patients with covid vaccine side effects from the primary series in the ER.

Nobody is more stunned than me how much this bivalent has kicked my ass, I don’t think I’ve heard about anything like this from anyone (expect my kids who are also destroyed). Got the shot around 1PM yesterday, by 9PM was feeling a little off. Slept terribly and have been completely useless today. Have eaten only a few pretzels. Head and whole body hurt. It’s crazy.

  1. Covid
  2. Shot 1, Shot 2, Shot 3

TBD: Shot 4 this week.

Right, nothing specific about the new formula, but there was data that mixing phiz and Moderna has slightly better outcomes, yes? The bivalent jab is 50% omicron formula and 50% OG, hence the name

I kind of remember something like this, but I’m not sure if the mix and match benefit was seen with that specific combo (e.g Pfizer + Moderna vs multiple Modernas). Anyone have a link with the data handy?

I think we’re all just shitposting


All 3 of my shots all felt like I couldn’t move and had no energy. When I got Covid, it just felt like a normal cold. Worse since it was 4 days, but in intensity it wasn’t even close, even when I was full of snot.

Nothing more than a sore arm for me 1-4.



My rankings:

1a/1b) Shot 2/3
2) Shot 1


The gap was large enough I’m struggling to find the motivation to go for shot 4 or even justifying it. Am I supposed to take comfort in doing my small part to stop the spread of a disease that will spread just the same with or without my input?