COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

biden said it was over tho

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Well, to be honest, Iā€™m kind of with him on that.

Iā€™d say weā€™ve gone from pandemic to endemic. Lots of people are still dying and that is bad. We should make efforts to mitigate that.

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that was tongue in cheek. I know itā€™s endemic for the vaxxed, but thereā€™s tons of undervaxxed, people will die just for him having said that, imho

I just made appointments for my kids to get the new booster two hours from now in Los Angeles.


You could be right about the death. Not sure how much will be attributed to that statement alone rather than policies which follow from that mindset. Biden admin was likely going to pursue the same policies whether he did that interview or not.

Iā€™d also say itā€™s endemic for everyone. Even the un- and under- vaxxed.

sure, i could see that argument, altho the death totals in the last few months for me were pretty surprising, especially when we have all this great treatment and anti viral stuff to fight it in addition to vaccines

I assume yā€™all who are getting these appts withing minutes are getting Pfizer. I had that option too, but I drove about 45min to get that primo Moderna shit.

Yeah, thatā€™s whatā€™s got me wondering about how many of those people just got the initial vax and then just decided they were done. Also curious about how many olds and immunocompromised are vaxxing perfectly and still getting got.

My kids got Pfizer but as long as weā€™re here I decided to get one too and they gave me Moderna. So now Iā€™m at three Pfizers, one infection, and the Moderna bivalent. Bring it on COVID.

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Not sure if you have had COVID, but the million dollar question is if COVID infections wreck our immune system. Some virus experts think thatā€™s the case and what ultimately be the worst cost of the pandemic, increased susceptibility to non COVID health issues.

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Real question is when can we go get our new cats from the foster =/ Good timing.

I got moderna (I had Pfizer for the first three jabs) and it was definitely harder to find a pharmacy that had it.

I also got Moderna, and while it was generally less available, I managed to catch an appointment same day, while the Pfizer appointments were further off, at least when I was looking.

Part of my problem was timing. I could have gotten an appointment in as little as 2 days, but it was really bad as far as my rest of the schedule for the day (mostly because of the long drive). Best I could do for a convenient time was 6 days and 45 min drive.

Wife got Pfizer within walking distance in 24 hrs. Sheā€™s not the Moderna slappy that I am.

How big is the difference between Moderna and Pfizer for the second booster?

I could have had Moderna but Iā€™d have to travel to the outskirts of the city to get it. I get to walk to my appointment for Pfizer.

EDIT: If it matters, I got Moderna for my first three shots.

I think the theory is that mixing both has a ((very?) slightly?) elevated effectiveness over just repeating the same thing

Yeah I canā€™t see it having a huge effect. I had Moderna + Moderna Booster + COVID, and now Iā€™ll get the Pfizer second booster.

I donā€™t believe that there is any evidence the Moderna bivalent booster is better than Pfizer at this time, is there?

There is not. There is some marginal research that shows the OG moderna was a little more effective and a little more durable than OG moderna, so people are extrapolating.

So bivalent boosters for 5-11 in the next week or two?,in%20children%20aged%205-11.