COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

The staying in a paid-for hotel room watching TV for several days was part of the appeal of staying for me, but I didn’t get very sick at all when I had it. Agree that being in that situation and feeling super-shitty would suck.

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Yah also factoring in my recent “just a moderate cold” experience. Being outside my bubble would have def added anxiety for sure.

Got it twice from working at my old job, once while 30wks along

I had a real intense stomach bug while in a hotel for work. That was freakin awful. 36 hours of agony roughly including a trip to the ER for fluids and meds to make it stop.

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Yikes, I’ve had food poisoning before but never that bad.

Hotel room might be the optimal place to have that kind of stomach bug. Your bed and toilet are as close as can be and you can pretty much destroy the bathroom. Just make sure to tip the chambermaid well!

It was good the sink and toilet were close together.

When I felt better I had them bring up cleaning supplies. I could not ask someone else to have the initial duty.

You’re definitely a better man than I. I’d have left a hundo and walked. But I guess it does depend on exactly how bad we’re talking. I’d rather not try to picture it.

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looks like booster guidance changed wrto prior infection?

You should get the Omicron booster as soon as you have recuperated and are no longer contagious, says Dr. Cunningham. “We used to recommend that everyone wait three months after recovering from COVID-19 to get a booster. But that was partly because of the relative shortage of vaccines and partly because it was unlikely that you’d get COVID-19 again within 90 days of infection. But now that we have a lot of vaccine—and we have this Omicron BA.5 variant that can cause reinfection as soon as a month after infection—we recommend getting the Omicron booster as soon as you can.”


Can you link this source for me? Trying to get my mom to get the bivalent asap, but she’s all “I have to wait three months since infection and I got it Aug 6th so I need to wait at least another week!!!” when meanwhile she has a trip planned next week so she wouldn’t get it until mid October when she returns.

I have some good news and some bad news.

Bad news first: 3 months from Aug 6 is not mid-October.

Good news: Your mom doesn’t have to mention when she got Covid when going for the updated shot.


Woops meant to say 2 months, which is what I originally got her to accept from her original 3 month understanding. Then I changed to just get it asap.


My Dr office has given me the three month timeline.

Wife pozzed after 3 years, mission achomlished. I’m neg still. Got new boosters 3 weeks ago. ¯\(ツ)


the quote was texted to me, but google says it came from here. no idea how reputable, first time encountering it

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Apparently I am indeed eligible for the new and improved 2022 COVID booster!

Man the government has been dog shit at informing people about the new booster. Thought it wasn’t even available in the Czech Republic yet.

Anyway, opted for Pfizer since the places that have Moderna are all pretty far away from me.

Next step is obtaining a flu shot. Apparently, flu season is gonna be a motherfucker and to be honest, the flu was worse than COVID for me, likely due to being vaccinated for the latter and not the former.


Is this true?

There some evidence for it, but it’s probably really uncommon, and the evidence of reinfection can often be explained away with the person having had two different strains a month apart. (Obviously that scenario still sucks as well).

Was told it’d take several days to get an appointment but got it in less than an hour for this Tuesday.

That is not a good sign. Definitely gonna see a significant resurgence of COVID this winter. Probably fewer deaths but still a lot of covid.

Anyone seen any good data on death rate among vaxxed with recent boosters (i.e. not just initial series)? There are certainly deaths among the vaxxed, but I haven’t really gone into the weeds to see how vaxxed those who died actually were.