COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Yeah, international travel, moving hotels, etc. makes it a really difficult situation.

Rent a car maybe?

Yeah, thatā€™s what Iā€™d do if I wanted to get home sooner. But across international borders may make that difficult if not impossible to do just one way, so you may find yourself driving home, and then driving back to Toronto, and then flying back home using the ticket you have but then pushed back.

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Yeah, being honest, if work forced me to travel internationally at this point Im guessing Id end up just taking the flight. Id mask up with an elastomeric and be militant about not taking it off, but would be pretty tough to voluntarily strand myself internationally when society cumulative no fucks given anymore and I probably flew with multiple COVID positive passengers on my flight over.


Yeah, you and me both.

Who is left?

'Cuse is the only one I can think of.

Still me

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Thatā€™s impressive. Might be tougher to fade now that CDC isnā€™t pushing masking at hospitals like it used to.

We are getting in under the wire. Day 0 for me Friday, for my wife Sunday. We will have both completed Paxlovid

We have a trip Wednesday next week. No symptoms other a little bit off a couch hanging on for me, which is standard for anytime I have a cough.

Three months ago, the two yes categories were under 50% combined. Are we still there?

Have you tested positive for COVID?
  • No, and Iā€™ve never had any symptoms of it.
  • No, but I think thereā€™s a reasonable chance I had it.
  • Yes, pozzed on any type of test (including home kits).
  • Yes, on at least two separate occasions.

0 voters


2.5 years. Dammit.

This is probably a lol me, but shouldnā€™t your company rebook your travel for after you are allowed to fly again and put you up in the meantime? Their trip literally gave you a potentially deadly disease.

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Still no Covid for me.

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Me too.

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Despite a few scares Ive never had a positive test

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Australia has scrapped all quarantine requirements for COVID. People can now go out in public even if testing positive.

Pretty funny that it was earlier this year that we threw Djokovic out for being unvaccinated. No regrets whatsoever.


Plague Accommodations

Yeah I can add a stay and travel later. Itā€™s just much more inconvenient to be sick in a foreign country than my own house.

Got it. Makes total sense was really hoping I was imagining your corporate overlords going full Dr. Evil.

If it is me I chill in the hotel until hitting day 5 with resolving symptoms and no fever but Iā€™m a CDC bootlicker. Shitty spot though and obviously there is plenty of info we donā€™t have.

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