COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Taking off in the Northeast too, no one gives a shit.

Booster rate like 1.5% so far.

Im part of that problem, I’ll get the booster but just havent gotten to it and finding it increasingly hard to give a shit.

Im still masking in zero cost situations and essential spaces, but masking and avoiding work interactions functionally over and school mitigations are done so increasingly Im just, whatever, cant fight society forever and if we all end up disabled and I die at 50 such is life.

Democrats turning out to be only a very very small step above Trumpsters on COVID was very disappointing and basically just a game over moment for fighting COVID as a society.

Nobody mentioned the sleep 20 hours a day deal. That’s what I did over the weekend. Wife is there now.

Im glad you could rest as needed. It does seem like there might be a link between pushing hard through COVID and worse long-term outcomes.

Yeah, timing was perfect. First symptoms Friday night.

I’ve got a couple of deadlines upcoming in writing up a couple of reports. Not the type of thing I can do unless I’m clear mentally. Hopefully I’m good enough to do a bunch of the repetitive data work the next day or two. Today I don’t need to sleep but the computer is not my friend yet. Typing this is taking all my horsepower.

Line check: hourly employee’s family all got COVID. She tested positive last Thursday, was sick for a couple days. Feels better now but still no taste or smell. Testing positive on home test. I should not allow her to return to the office, right? I guess CDC protocol says it’s ok if she masks, but jeez…

Nah I wouldn’t hang out with her.


Wife and I both sick but testing negative with no fever so we’re both working today


I’d tell her to stay home and rest until she tests negative. If she feels up to doing some work from home after 5 days or whatever, cool.

wat? Your sickness need not be COVID to take off work.


It’s just the kind of half assed cold symptoms I would have never considered calling in for in the before times.

I dont know about your job, but my office norms certainly did not evolve to the stay home with the sniffles and a cough culture as I had hoped might happen with COVID. I wear a mask when I feel that way but am the only one.

Mrs now on Paxlovid. I’m on day 4.

Since I’m the healthier I ran errands and did a couple of necessary chores this AM which completely kicked my ass. 2.5h nap.


My company went full remote. I think they are considering leasing a smaller space in 2023 in Seattle, but I don’t think there is any expectation I’d ever have to go in, unless I want to. So my perception is theoretical and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the majority of companies are similar to yours.

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Meta around here is work from home through the 'rona. Wife and I didn’t take a minute off, like the good capitalist minions we are.

I guess I was kind of hoping the US might adopt Asian-style attitudes toward wearing face masks for everyday colds, or maybe even adopt a culture where people stay the fuck home when they are sick.


Gotta have guaranteed pay for that shit though.

We of the capitalist sort laugh at your “stay home sick and get paid” attitude.

Goddamn commie.

I am worried that we will trap him in a culture of dependence.

My company is so dysfunctional, they seem to literally have no plan either way. Like 95% of employees are still working from home, and most of the other 5% come in for 2-3 days a week tops (I’m one of two IT guys that are basically here every day). The owner came close to pulling the trigger a couple of times and announcing that people should all come back in on a rotating basis, but both times were followed by a huge rebound COVID wave so they scrapped it. Now if you ask what the plan is, it’s just a shrug and “we don’t know yet”.

I mean we own the building we’re in, and we’re only talking a hundred or so employees, so I guess it’s not like we’re lighting $$ on fire quite as much as some companies would. But some days I feel like we’re gonna be stuck in this holding pattern until I retire or something, without ever officially declaring anything.

I have finally fallen from the ranks of the Covid free (triple vaxxed). Got it during a work trip to Toronto from Boston. I have a flight back on Sunday (symptoms started on Thursday) - what would you do in my position?


I’d follow the CDC protocol, under which Thursday would be day zero for you, and you’d be able to go home on Wednesday assuming you had been fever-free for 24 hours.

But that’s easy for me to say, I can envision circumstances under which I’d leave earlier.

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