COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!


Is this real? Did he really write “pure bloods”

No doubt Ben considers somebody with “natural” immunity to still be pure, but is it even possible to tell the difference between the blood of an unvaccinated COVID survivor and a vaxxed person?

If you ask them the pure bloods are healthy and fine and had a common cold and the vaccinated are keeling over left and right from strokes, heart attacks, and covid.

They are 100% factually right in their own minds and arguing this with them is pointless.

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Yeah iirc people who got infected make another different antibody, but no one does that test.

Not 100% sure on the mechanism but this was an option at one point for me to order

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The antibodies for unvaxxed COVID survivors have little Confederate flags on them if you look closely.



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Lol, and they’re blond and have blue eyes. Subtle.

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I might not have noticed if he hadn’t jammed the flowing blond lock on the baby.

P+1. Fever gone
O2 94/95

Mrs had some night sweats last night. Will test her later today. We are mostly separated by floor.



For a guy that explicitly labels stuff like “notebook” as “notebook” and shit in all of his comics, this is actually insanely subtle for him.

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Got my booster today by what had to be the oldest pharmacist in the country. His hands were literally shaking as he got the shot and bandaid ready. Time to retire bro.

I did hear a “swooshing” sound as he gave me the shot. I assume that was fine because he didn’t say anything but idk if he was able to hear it. Am I good or should I be concerned? Never heard anything like that before in any shot I was ever given.

  1. Probably an air bubble working it’s way up to your heart as we speak (you should be fine)

  2. I’ve been wondering what happened to this guy. He must be 150.


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But who’s got the higher ceiling?

that’s the microchips



She does. We have a cape cod style house (actually a whole neighborhood of sears kit house built in tbe 20s and 30s.

7’ at the high point but the walls slope down to about 4’.

Well shit, glad I got my booster because they were missing the first few shots.

2.5 days on the P

Fever gone
Cough comes and goes
Throat has that tight feeling
Head clear, no brain fog

Wife has not tested poz but is sleeping a lot

Edit-she is now poz. No fever. Some head congestion.


Looks like the next wave may be taking off in Oregon. BA.4.6 seems to be outpacing BA.5 per the CDC, so that would seem to be the next big we’re-not-bothering-with-Greek-letters-anymore variant.