COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I was supposed to go to Stanford @ UW today, but my bro got pozzed for the first time.


So after some back and forth they have decided to prescribe Plaxovid. Iā€™m very borderline if I meet the guidelines. The PA would prefer I see how Iā€™m doing in the morning and if Iā€™m holding stable or better seems
To be of the opinion to not take it.

What say you, members of this venerable message board?

I am not going to contradict your physician

Sounds like it wasnā€™t actually a physician, for what itā€™s worth, which may not be much. I assume your position is still the same.

And it was pretty wishy washy. Basically up to me.

Thatā€™s fucking dumb af. Either you meet criteria (which is whatever) or you donā€™t. The whole point is to give it before you get really sick

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Iā€™ve never heard of this wait and see approach for paxlovid. You want to start it asap after symptom onset if you are going to take it.

Hope you have a mild case and feel better quickly.

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Yeah, itā€™s definitely not an official recommendation, but it has been suggested by some around here, I think.

Iā€™m no good with the Unstuck search function, but hereā€™s the first example I could find of someone suggesting that they would wait a bit before getting on it.

Obviously, Wookie is not Dan and I assume they have different risk profiles and itā€™s not like he is recommending that anyone else do that. But it does seem like he is comfortable waiting a bit for himself if he gets pozzed.

The nutjobs on my social feeds appear to be moving on to a new thing of getting an antidote to the few of them that got suckered into getting vaxxed.

From what I can tell, it sounds like one of the Frontline doctor grifters went on a podcast and started talking about it.

Gotta hand it to him. This is a great grift.


Pharmacy opens at 9am. Gonna start the Paxlovid. Will be about 36 hours since start of symptoms so I think early enough. I really didnā€™t think I had it until I tested.

Fever is spiking 102.5 with some sweats, retreats to 100.5 on meds. Def some body ache. Respiratory is not bad at all (sudafed, mucinex, cough syrup on board).


I donā€™t see any downside to taking the paxlovid if your doctor was ok with it, and there is certainly potential downside to not taking it.

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The negative would be having a rebound case and ending up quarantined for 2-3 weeks instead of 7-10 days. I have no evidence to back this up, but it seems likely to me that many of the rebound cases happen when people get on paxlovid before the body mounts much of a defense, so that when the course of paxlovid is finished, any remaining covid is able to start multiplying again quickly. But considering the symptoms you already have, I would bet a rebound case for you would be unlikely. Again, Iā€™m just spitballing so who knows, but keep us posted on that matter, and gl/gl.

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We are spitballing the same. My immune system is clearly in the fight already so hopefully that means no rebound. We have a trip planned 10 days out from today.

Vitamin P on board.


Has anyone seen an antivaxer that is ok with Paxlovid in the wild?

People find Jesus real quick when reality hits them in the face. The only problem is that by the time an anti-vaxxer is sick enough to ask for paxlovid, itā€™s probably already too late.

Yeah, this. Lots of reports of antivaxxers asking for the vax on their deathbeds.

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There is still at least one monoclonal antibody treatment that still works too. My severely immunocompromised transplant & cancer survivor, auto-immune diseased mother in law got it when she just had covid and survived. She had to travel to Manhattan (2 hours away from where she lives) to get the treatment though. No idea if thatā€™s going to antivaxxers as well.

Have the metallic aftertaste. Yay me.

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