COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I have to admit that the question “Why did I do that?” crossed my mind yesterday. If the vaccine reaction is worse than the disease itself, and the vaccine doesn’t prevent the disease…

I got my COVID after my first three shots, so I think I can safely say I was less sick than I would have been without the vaxxes. And so if/when I get it again, hopefully the horrible reaction yesterday is a down payment on not getting super-sick when I get it again. So that’s what I’m holding on to.

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If not for the vaccine, COVID wouldn’t have been so easy for you.

Actually had a similar issue with the second booster that delayed me getting it.

My motivation was watching some of my class cut down by a third due to illness (though the illness was not clear). Also, one of my private students is just getting over COVID while another is having it go through her family again.

So it isn’t deadly but it’s still making its presence felt enough for me to not want to be isolated for another week doing nothing.

Another benefit of getting the vax (even if you think your experience will be “just as bad” as catching COVID in the wild) is that you get some control over it. The certainty of knowing exactly when you’ll get your vax and when to expect possible side effects has value compared to just randomly contracting COVID while traveling out of country or something and ruining a whole vacation and having uncertain access to health care.

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It should also help your body be prepped for future COVID variants, who knows if they will be more dangerous.

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  1. shot 1
  2. shot 2
  3. shot 3
  4. the times I’ve posted itt feeling sick
  5. shitposting itt

I need to get the new booster and had an opportunity to get it Thursday last week, but I didn’t want it to wreck my Friday or Saturday.

This would be true if the vaccination prevented contracting COVID, but does it do that effectively? I’ve honestly lost track at this point.

Define effectively.

The omicron booster probably stops contracting covid at a reasonable definition of effectiveness.

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Yeah, this. I do wonder when the studies are going to produce actual efficacy results, but it seems likely that they will be quite efficacious at preventing symptomatic covid.

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The 6 month window seems pretty solid too. I tested positive for COVID only a few days after the 6 month window where my booster was effective.

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I’m going to keep getting shots because that’s just what we do now. Every few months I go to the pharmacy and somebody stabs me. Flu, covid, tetanus, monkeypox, Ice Nine. Effective? nfi. Sign me up anyway. Puncture my arm and send me home with a stupid band aid.


Maybe never now because I cannot imagine how they could have an effective control population at this point? Anyone happen to know what the stated study endpoints are?

The vaccine prevents death. The vaccine may be worse than most of the outcomes of the disease, but the duration of the vaccine reaction should be shorter and you significantly reduce the longtail risk of death/severe outcomes.

This, too.

Zero effects from 4 shots for me.

Wife still sick on day 3 now, just got paxlovid. Giant pills! Good thing she has experien… never mind.


Maybe a week ago I read in Time or Newsweek that it would be a “couple months” but they didn’t cite where they were getting that from.

I’m also curious as to who’s doing the studies, because I’m not so sure Moderna or Pfizer/BionTech are incentivized to release the results if they don’t have to in order to get approval. It’s probably a case of we’ll only hear about it if the results are good.

Maybe, but I think the results are likely going to be “good?”

They’re going to have to provide the results to the FDA either way. FDA doesn’t hand out emergency approvals and then just forget about the future data.


Booster 2 in the arm

Barely felt it going in (twss). For all I know, I didn’t even get one lol

The vast, vast majority of people here were walk-ins and waited an insane amount of time. I scheduled an appointment through the website and waited less than 10 minutes.

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I’m starting to feel it a bit from the second COVID booster. Face is bright red, arm pain, fatigued. Haven’t checked if I have a fever since I had no problems this morning.

This one is definitely harder on me than the first booster but not as hard as the first two shots.

Could be because this one is Pfizer while the previous three were Moderna.