COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’d certainly at least wear an n95 everywhere and socially distance to the maximum extent while still throwing a poz line on an antigen. A poz line on an antigen could very well mean you are contagious. Of course 99 percent of the rest of the world DGAF and isn’t doing this…

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I am the 1% baby (at least in this regard). Def curious if 10+ days past symptom onset (assuming not feeling sick still) + antigen negative is the gold standard vs. don’t bother with the tests cuz you might keep throwing pozzes forevermore. Seems like it’s the PCR tests where you might perma poz is the thing but not so much with the rapids.

Yeah, it’s PCR tests where you can poz for a long time I think. Pozzing on the antigen tests means you probably still have active Covid.

Good news everyone! Covid is over!!! Open for business!

I wish we had a deeper dive study into the demographics & health histories/comorbidities of the 400+ Americans who are still dying from Covid each day. Even the “fully vaccinated” versus not vaccinated info isn’t super useful anymore if “fully vaccinated” means someone who got the primary series back in April of ‘21 and hasn’t gotten any boosters.

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Lol, I’m having surreal conversations with the same people that were like “It’s only 99% mortality rate” and having to explain early on that that meant several million people dead before it was over and being scoffed at - now we’re kind of approaching those numbers and those same people are like “see, it wasn’t a big deal.”

Total dead top 5

Percent of world population-essentially ties for 10th

really only 4-5 disease agents encompass the rest of the top group (plague, influenza, AIDS, mysterious Cocoliztli Mexico illnesses, smallpox.

Several in the top group encompass decades or even a century.

Pretty effing deadly.

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Where would we rank this in terms of world-changing events? Black Plague, WWI and WWII ahead of it, what else?

The surreal thing to me is we’re having all these labor shortage problems, for which i know the reasons are more complicated than this, but i’ve read some pieces that are basically like “why are we suddenly missing a few million from the labor force? SOMETHING SOMETHING MILLENNIALS” and I’m over here like “hmmm maybe there was some sort of catastrophic pandemic that killed a bunch of working age people”


The best part is they get super close, it’s like hmm, this started happening right in that 2020-2021 period after COVID hit…aha! I know, it’s those extra unemployment payments they gave out. People must be spending 7 cents a day and still living off them somehow.


yea to me it makes perfect sense - we were basically running every business at skeleton crew capacity, it doesn’t take losing all that many from a system like that to cause major issues, but I dunno, maybe future historians/economists will figure it out better than my dumb ass.

From what I know about people, quite a few of them won’t be too broken up about parents dying either. Which brings up another point, another not insignificant COVID effect that affects the workforce is older GenX folks inheriting $$ and finding themselves suddenly able to retire.

On a side note, what’s with the nice neat 10-year intervals in that chart with the exception of 50-64? Makes that jump from 4.1%->18% look way more scary than it should.

I think there’s a tremendous underreporting of deaths under 50 due to comorbidities. tons of young and young-ish people stroking out for pretty much no explainable reason other than covid.

obviously havent followed as closely as a lot of you but that’s been my understanding

The excess deaths stat doesn’t lie of course, but that’s going to be a more of a long-term thing to look back on.

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Yep we know covid causes strokes and heart issues, anecdotally I know I’ve heard way more people having strokes and heart issues, but they aren’t being directly linked in individual cases.

We also won’t hear much about that stuff from the media because ThE pAnDeMiC iS oVeR is the corporate narrative they need to sell.

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Man, it’s crazy how hard of a time they’re having figuring out the cause and the solution. If only it were as simple as a pandemic killing a few million people, and a few million immigrants wanting to come here and find jobs. Ah well, never the less, crank those rates up and shit on millennials and Gen Z until we can leverage them into working two jobs and driving DoorDash in between shifts!

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The Great Mortality (Book on the black plague) details how the lower classes of Europe made huge gains because of a massive shortage of workers.

Yeah the wealthy and powerful are trying to make sure that’s not how this ultimately shakes out.


Around 300k working age people died of COVID. The economy creates that many jobs every month. Shortages are not due to dead workers