COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Shoulda stabbed her with a rusty nail.

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Wife got some paxlovid, letā€™s see if it gives her super powers (aside from the power to taste pennies). Apparently not all pharmacies around here have it available - had to drive a bit.

The only super power I got from paxlovid was the ability to experience getting and recovering from Covid 2x instead of 1x. Who knows, maybe it prevented the outlier of a one percent bad outcome, (or whatever the data is these days for my cohort), but it sure sucked getting over it and immediately going through it all over again.

That stinks - definitely hope we get to tick one in the ā€œ1 recovery + super powersā€ category.

Odds of testing negative on a PCR test eight days after getting an immediate dark line on an at-home test?

Are you symptom-free? Pretty good, I think, especially if youā€™ve been symptom free for a 2-3 daysā€¦

Symptoms are still there but seemed to peak last night with the soreness on your whole body you get from bad colds now just have a mildly drippy nose

So I got covidā€¦ againā€¦ about 6 days ago. Day 1 test negative, day 2 negative, 3 neg, 4 neg (man these tests suck). Each day my symptoms got worse, so today I broke down and went to the hospital. Apparently I have a new strain of covid called ā€œBacterial Pneumoniaā€. Fuck Iā€™m dumb.


Yikes. 6 day head start for the bacteria.

Doctors- assume anytime a cold moves into your chest its time to get checked out asap?

meh, depends, itā€™s never wrong

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Fucking China.

Now I need to have two negative PCR tests two weeks before departure. My visa says I have to enter by November 18.

Anybody have their covid experience start with a headache?

I have a headache, mild fatigue, and Iā€™m getting mixed readings on my thermometer. Oral digital one says Iā€™m normal but the mercury oral thermometer puts me at 101F. I feel slightly feverish but not that bad. No respiratory issues though.

Had some students get sick recently and Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m getting what they had.

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how it started with me. i didnā€™t test positive until day 3 or so

Only way to tell is with a test

How common are conflicting readings on thermometers?

Over the last couple of days, Iā€™ve had sporadic, short bouts of tinnitus without any obvious cause. Might just be a coincidence but thought Iā€™d put it out there.

Anyway, there are no more free covid tests in Czech Republic unless you get a reference from your GP. Kind of a bummer to have to visit a doctor to potentially spread covid just to get a test covered.

Email/text your doc. Thatā€™s what I do here.

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Almost half the people who were hospitalized with COVID-19 last spring had been fully vaccinated and received a third dose or booster shot, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

Unvaccinated adults were 3.4 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID than those who were vaccinated, the CDC said.

The CDC report considered hospitalization numbers from March 20 to May 31, when the omicron subvariant BA.2 was the dominant strain. Researchers found 39.1% of patients had received a primary vaccination series and at least one booster or additional dose; 5% were fully vaccinated with two boosters.

ā€œAdults should stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccination, including booster doses,ā€ the CDC said. ā€œMultiple nonpharmaceutical and medical prevention measures should be used to protect persons at high risk for severe SARS-CoV-2, regardless of vaccination status.ā€

Older adults and people with underlying medical conditions who become infected with the coronavirus are more likely to be hospitalized.

The study also found that hospitalization rates among people over 65 increased threefold over the study period. Rates among people under 65 rose 1.7 times.


Happy fun time covid update:

On Day 6 of the official CDC timeline. Stopped testing for the last few days, but this morning wife (on Paxlovid) testing negative and I popped an instant poz line. We are both feeling much better, me a bit better than her. Congestion and cough just about gone, no fever or anything else.

Does antigen test status matter for getting back into the world? I know the 10 days from day 0 symptom onset if youā€™re feeling better/no fever is the CDC rule, but would you also make sure you arenā€™t throwing the poz line anymore in addition?