COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I had a rusty nail go all the way through my foot a few years ago. It obviously hurt and bled a bit but I didn’t need to go to er or anything. However multiple people that witnessed it immediately asked if I had recently had a tetanus shot. It had been 10years from my last tetanus shot so they all said I should go it.
They had me super worried thst I was going to die from tetanus or whatever. I go and get the shot and doctor asks me why I’m getting and I tell her about the rusty nail. She said “ oh this isn’t going to do anything for that if it just happened.” Told me I would be fine since I already had my tetanus shot multiple times. Anyways that my tetanus story.

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I had a nail go into my foot and when I lifted my leg the Spanish roofing tile it was attached to came up with it. Hurt like a mofo. I also got a tetanus shot and who knows what else was in it.


Tracking chip

Anytime someone makes a flag I address it either with the person or take action. No one has flagged anything in this thread except Jbro who I talked to. Can’t expect mods to read every thread every day.

Guys guys, its fucking Wednesday. Lets keep it bottled up for two more days please.

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Well bivalent wasn’t a rough ride for me. Just some arm soreness.

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My journey to hopefully get into China and be with my wife starts next Thursday and my Dad just tested positive for Covid today. I have what I think are symptoms (nothing serious) but tested negative. My mom also tested negative.

Dad has had early-onset Alzheimers for about a decade. My mom takes care of him but her patience for dealing with him has already been pretty thin recently. Most prudent thing for me would be to go to a hotel, especially if I continue to test negative but my read is things get pretty ugly here when I’m not around.

To get to China I have to take two PCR tests in LA (where I’m exiting US from) and then two more in Bangkok. Then seven days quarantine where I arrive (Xiamen) and then seven more at our apartment in Wuhan. May be possible to do an extra three days in Xiamen and then be free.


Are some of you getting the bivalent booster by just walking in? I tried booking an appointment at the main pharmacy chains around Portland and it looked like it would be 10+ days and out in Lake Oswego

Demand by me was not that high

You could consider f5ing Walgreens for a bit. After my appointment busted due to the Walgreens I signed up for not having any shots delivered yet, I went back online and saw a single appointment for like 6 pm. I hesitated and lost it, but a few more tries yielded a 2:30 appointment in Gresham. Not convenient, but I got it done.

I think my folks got a wlak in at a Seattle area Costco, but MrsWookie didn’t see that option at the Tigard Costco. Maybe they have it now though.

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You guys are lucky that you already have the latest booster.

I know, I got mine just in time for the Iphone 14.

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In all seriousness, I suspect a few of my classes have been hit by it. Might be the flu, sure (teachers aren’t being notified of COVID cases anymore). But to go from a full class to four suddenly missing with illness is not good. Even worse when it’s in several of my classes.

We could really use that booster now.

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Yah, hopefully you get it soon.

The 'rona finally broke through my bubble. Spent the weekend with two other couples, one of which showed up pozzed on Monday. My wife and I both are feeling “under the weather” nothing crazy, her a bit worse. Both had two negative tests, but hers today was positive. Mine still negative.

Don’t really see much of a point of isolating from her (we’ve been in extremely close proximity the entire time), but I’m willing to hear an argument to the contrary.

Also, can I really possibly not have it? I suppose I could have just coincidentally picked up a different random illness, but it seems awfully suspicious. Obviously won’t be going out in public for a while, but should this impact my plans to get biboosted next week if I continue to test negative but feel meh?


It’s possible that whatever you have isn’t infectious (allergies, whatever), but yeah you probably have it. Also possible that you’ve already cleared it enough to not show up on a rapid antigen test.

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Option 3: I’m fuckin’ immune to this weakass BA5.69 bullshit.

Narrator: he was not



Wife went to a state run walk-in event in the biggest city in the state on Day 1 and waited 90 minutes. I went to a smaller place 30 minutes away on Day 4 and waited about 20 minutes.

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I got a tetanus booster like 15 years ago after stepping on a nail doing some roofing. They offered me with or without whooping cough. I initially said without, but then said, “I’ll feel super dumb if I say no and get whooping cough, so give me that.”

Like a month later my girlfriend got whooping cough.


Similar situation - our kid got it a while back but my wife and I have never tested positive, until she got one last night. I feel fine.

We’re having her isolate, I just figure it’ll be easier if only one of us is down. Definitely debated just not bothering to isolate, I’d rather have slept in my bed last night. Might do a test at some point just to see if maybe I have it but aren’t symptomatic.

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