COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

About 20 hours after Pfizer bivalent.

Feel marginally worse than I did after the Moderna booster, but significantly better than both JNJ shot. I can walk around and be reasonably functional this morning.

Arm soreness is by far the worst of the four though.


I woke up this morning feeling 100% except a little arm soreness. Wifeā€™s arm is really sore, but no other effects.

Congrats to everyone getting boostered. I went in a different direction and tested positive on Thursday. Not really sure where I got it from; everyone in my family has had some cold symptoms, but no one else has tested positive.

Anyway, had a slight sore throat for a day or two and decided to get a PCR test at work on Thursday since I was going in anyway. Felt fine in the morning, but by mid-afternoon started to feel some body aches. I took a nap after I got home, but by around 6pm my watch was showing incredibly high stress levels (based on heart rate). Since this was something I had seen on reddit a million times (ā€œLook - my watch knew I had COVID before I did!ā€), I was feeling pretty confident I was positive. I took a rapid test around 8pm and the test line lit up in under a minute. Got the PCR result later that night. So the good news is, my case is in the official count.

I was scheduled to teach a 4-hour Executive MBA class the next morning, so did that over Zoom from my basement. Obviously not great. (If youā€™re watching Sunday Night Football right now, I sounded like Cris Collinsworth does.) Symptoms have hit pretty hard. Body aches, fever sweats alternating with chills, incredibly sore throat and cough. But, knock on wood, I think things are starting to turn. For the past couple of hours, Iā€™ve felt a little more like myself, and Iā€™m hopeful that I can start moving around again tomorrow.

I did watch an absolute shit ton of TV, though. Binged through a bunch of Succession episodes. Also decided for some reason to re-watch a 6-part Navy SEALS documentary. And re-watched The Godfather I and II. Still excellent.

Despite the increased entertainment time, I rate COVID 0 out of 4 stars.


Are you quarantining from family this time too?

This time? Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve tested positive. Or are you remembering a while ago when I traveled and quarantined when I got back just in case? If so, nice memory!

Yes, quarantining in the basement full time. Sleeping, showering, eating down here. I wear a KN 95 mask when I go upstairs. That being said, Iā€™m sure I was contagious Wednesday and Thursday last week and obviously wasnā€™t quarantining then. Iā€™m going to be absolutely stunned if no one else ends up having it, because I feel like the most likely source is one of the kids. But so far, no other positives.

yeah, I just remembered that you quarantined once, but didnā€™t remember the circumstances

My wife tested positive and my daughters and I never did. You might be able to fade them getting it.


Youā€™re too negative.


Hope so. They took PCR tests yesterday and havenā€™t heard back yet.

Today is the first day Iā€™ve woken up with a clear head, and also the first day that my watch actually shows my body battery increasing substantially overnight. So Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m on the back end of this. Iā€™m still coughing and unable to sleep lying down, but Iā€™m actually able to get work done today and feel much better.

Interestingly, I donā€™t think I ever lost my sense of taste. At one point this weekend I opened a bag of Trader Joeā€™s Coconut Cashews, and they were as delicious as ever. So much so that I housed roughly half the bag.


Definitely back to feeling 100% two days post-bivalent shot.

Arm still hurts a little bit and have a sensitive swollen lymph node, but thatā€™s it.


Had the Moderna shot Saturday morning, chain-ganged the college football game Saturday night, and played disc golf Sunday morning. I was quickly punished for being so active and was SUPER achy the rest of Sunday. Fine now.


Stupid tdap shot wrecked my good covid booster arm so Iā€™m gonna have to go bivalent on the right side. The thought of jamming another needle into this thing is no bueno atm. Someone needs to get an anti-tetanus vax movement going so I can sign up.

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Lol, on the one hand tetanus is just one of the absolutely worst ways to die imaginable and itā€™s a shot you can get after exposure and still have it be effective. On the other hand, people are really fucking stupid.


Sir, freedom to die from a rusty nail is in the CONSTITUTION. Donā€™t tread on me.


Got boosted yesterday. Just some arm soreness for now.

Also, a secret: tetanus boosters are more for the pertussis than the tetanus.

That seems unlikely. Lots of tetanus boosters donā€™t even have the pertussis component. They just cover tetanus and diphtheria. I guess something could have changed since I last had reason to look into it.

lol k, let me know what you find out

Sure. In the mean time, perhaps you could explain what the point of Td boosters are? They are missing the pertussis completely, which you seem to be claiming is the main point.

you seem to already know, tell me all about it.

Got my booster (Moderna). One day later I have some mild hangover symptoms but nothing as bad as the previous shots.

Not gonna lie, Iā€™m a little scared of vaccines now after getting Guillain Barre recently, but my neuro was pretty confident the mRNA vaccines arenā€™t going to be a trigger. I guess weā€™ll see.