COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Team NOVID status has been key in shutting down some of the mockery at the poker table.

MAWG: You’re still wearing that mask, huh?
Me: Yep.
MAWG: (laughing) Well how many times have you had COVID so far?
Me: Zero, you?
MAWG: (pauses a few seconds) Well, uh, three.
Me: Hopefully not too bad?
MAWG: No, not really, well, I did lose two friends to COVID.
Me: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
MAWG: Yeah, and my last case is still causing me problems and it’s been three months.
Me: I’m sorry to hear that, yeah, that’s why I’m wearing the mask still.

Probably once every four or five sessions someone tries to own me by asking how many times I’ve had COVID to prove that my mask doesn’t work. Usually the convo goes about like that.


ahhahahaha have had this same convo before and i dont even mask, i just carry hand sanitizer and get the same kind of comments

“oh you care about your HEALTH?”

“yes, don’t you?”

“well…. i guess”

Tribal signaling above self interest.



The death drive is so strong in at least half of the adult population of western states that simply ‘not wanting to die right away’ is clear evidence of woke, pussy behaviour.

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now the cdc needs to get off their asses and recommend it, I’ve been waiting for this one. Somehow have dodged getting seriously ill so far, would like to keep it that way

I used to be able to get my bloodwork done for free at the annual “Mehmet Oz Health Expo” at Columbia University, but they kicked him to the curb a few years ago. Now I got to go to a nobody MD like a regular schlub.

Anybody find any info on how long (if at all) they want you to wait after a regular booster before getting the new jab? I had COVID back in May and therefore strategically waited a bit and then got my 4th shot a couple weeks before going vacation (so early August)…it would suck if I have to wait another six months or something.

Haven’t seen anything yet. It won’t be six months though.

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I just heard 2months on a news report.

This is so weird to me. I’ve been playing a couple of times a week for most of this year. Often the only masked person at the table and I’ve never had anybody say anything.

I hear astounding and hilarious conversations often (a recent example had two meatheads speculating about who’s really running the country, the Obamas, the Clintons, or Soros?), but almost nothing COVID-related.

Two months confirmed:

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I’m to lazy to research. Someone please just tell me.

Ok. Thanks.


2 months. Source: CDC signs off on new COVID-19 boosters ahead of fall booster campaign - ABC News

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Probably pharmacy chains sometime next week.

Now that you’ve volunteered to help me out, Just make me an appointment.

I really don’t think it’s going to be that hard.

Im just taking a bit to the extreme.
