COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

So how often should I go? What should they be checking for? Because the last time I saw a doctor she said make an appointment if something comes up, but otherwise, meh.

When is the last time you got your cholesterol checked?

On a related note, you also probably need a colonoscopy if you havenā€™t had one.

I think you may be a little biased here so Iā€™m going to listen to those outside the medical community on whether to seek medical advice.


An annual physical with blood work is a pretty solid idea tbh.



Canā€™t tell if levelingā€¦

Itā€™s obviously a joke, guise. And I have the shittiest sarcasm detector around.


Would you listen to a crypto bro on whether to buy bitcoin? Musk on which vehicle to buy? An author on which book to read?


Still canā€™t tellā€¦


Ok in words you can understand: Would you ask Mickey Mouse which is the best amusement park?


Good point. I just want people to go to their pcp instead of the ER so I can watch more football this weekend


So on the internet, a Doc that you are never giving a cent to is going to give medical advice on behalf of the medical community profits?

lol wat


Ok, maybe itā€™s shittier than I thought.


I donā€™t trust all those so-called vaccine experts like Fauci. Theyā€™re in bed with big pharma. Thatā€™s why I do my own research.


Iā€™m triple vaxxed and had COVID in May. Will wait for the new booster, but will try to get it ASAP.

Triple vaxxed and covid in early June. Figure Iā€™ll get the omicron booster shortly after itā€™s available but Iā€™m not gonna stress over getting the first available appt or something

Quadruple vaxxed, still on Team NOVID, and planning to wait until early/mid November for the Omicron booster. The thought is that itā€™ll be six months from my last booster and weā€™ll maximize protection for Thanksgiving and Christmas, in case we feel safe enough to gather with others. Also leaves us six months before weā€™d potentially get a booster pre-WSOP, if weā€™re still doing every six months.

I figure weā€™re still N95ing up in public indoor places, so timing for the maximum protection when we might want to let down our guard a bit is the way to go.

Waiting to put that sweet new booster in. Triple currently. Team NOVID.

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