COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!


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Does this new booster make me suddenly eligible for my 4th shot?

Yeah, the new booster is supposed to be approved for everybody over 12.

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well not sick

you know what I mean


The wife had headache/eye pain. Worried that she might be coming down with something. Turns out to be a real nasty infected sty. Had to go in for antibiotic ointment.

10 days out from Disney World and nobody got the ā€˜Rona.


If I had three shots then got (probably) cron a month ago should I get booster asap or wait a few months?

What does (probably) mean?

I had covid and it was probably omicron.

Iā€™d talk to your doctor.

I havenā€™t been to the doctor in like 15 years


Iā€™m in the exact same position and Iā€™m going to wait and see if there is a crush for the booster. If not, Iā€™ll get it a couple of weeks after itā€™s released.

That seems like a leak.


Thereā€™s not going to be a crush.

Iā€™m not so sure about that, based on the number of doses that I heard will be available. Itā€™s not only the demand, but also the supply. And everybody I know has been waiting for this update to get boosted. And there are also a fair number of healthy under 50ā€™s who have been waiting for a chance to get boosted again.

Iā€™d go right away, unless thereā€™s a short supply.

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Thereā€™s really not much reason for most healthy men under 50 to get regular checkups. The odds of finding something that you otherwise wouldnā€™t know about are pretty slim.

Bloodwork to check things like cholesterol, blood sugar, etc though?

This is just wrong and frankly bad medical advice

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Everyone probably should be getting cholesterol checked a lot younger than that. Most people will see some sort of primary care provider for that at which time they might get at least some cursory checkup.