COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Hopefully the Trumpistas won’t spread rumors about Pavloxid they way they do about vaccines.

Depending on the nature of the interaction, there can be ways to manage an interaction besides not prescribing Paxlovid.

That’s true for any drug interaction, really. If two drugs interact, one just needs to be aware of what will or might happen and have a plan for that. Sometimes the plan is not prescribing the drug. But not always.

My only personal experience with this recently was when my severely immunocompromised transplant survivor, has lupus MIL got Covid and was unable to take Paxlovid becuase of the 50 million drugs she’s on all of which interacted with Pax. They injected her with one of the antibody treatments instead. She had to travel to NYC to get it.

Edit: The poor woman legitimately did not leave the house for 2.5 years and still got it.

it’s very common to not be able to prescribe paxlovid because of drug interactions. Far more than any other drug I’ve ever prescribed.

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I have no doubt that is true.

Covid’s been over at my kids’ daycare for a while now. They brought back masking briefly with the BA.5 wave, but that lasted less than a week. I was pretty surprised there hadn’t been any outbreaks, until this past week. Basically all the teachers got it, and there were a bunch of closed days. Luckily, we’d planned to have the kids out of daycare last week anyway to hang with me and my folks while MrsWookie was traveling for work. The timing couldn’t have been better, but now even more teachers are catching covid, so the girls will be home with us for at least the first part of this week while we’re trying to work.

On Reddit there is a sports sub Reddit where a lot of people are insisting that vaccinated and unvaccinated people are equally vulnerable to Covid and spread it at the same rate.

I’m not going to lie, I have fallen off a cliff in terms of paying attention to what’s going on with Covid, but I pretty strenuously believe these can’t be correct. I wanted to check in and see if I am crazy or if it’s just 12 year old nba fans.

most people don’t understand statistics and the antivax crowd are quick to shout out the results from misconstrued data.

Nah. Vaccinated transmit enough that it would be hard to justify different precautions for the vaccinated and unvaccinated, but there is still a difference in rates. Unvaccinated definitely more susceptible to severe outcomes.

Also an Omicron tailored booster coming only available to the fully vaxxed that might tip the scales further.

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I don’t follow the research as religiously as some other people here do (or used to) but my read on the situation was that vaccines were very effective in preventing the worst health outcomes for both the original COVID Classic and the variants, but that the variants of note spread so easily that even vaccinated people were at significant risk of contracting a variant (but they would still be less likely to have a severe illness as a result). All this nuance is the kind of thing that conspiracy theorists distill down to VACCINES DON’T EVEN WORK because they don’t want to deal with any nuance or complexity.

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I do think vaccine mandates, which were sort of no brainers a year ago, are a lot harder to justify now in some contexts strictly based on science. Good masks are more useful at preventing transmission than current gen vaccines.

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It’s a moot point, vaccine mandates are never coming back for COVID. Some red states are trying to get rid of all vaccine mandates. We’re going to see some polio and measles outbreaks in the coming years, and we’ll see if that’s enough to get the lunatics to come to heel or not.

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Measles probably not even though some kids are going to die, but damn even I think that a few hundred paralyzed kids and a few hundred more dead ones should move the needle a little on polio.

so the “new” booster is for… omicron?

I have one booster, I should just wait for this new one, right? next month?

Maybe just a week or two.

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A few weeks ago I’d have told you to get the first booster you could but now, yeah I’d wait another week or so and get the updated one. It’s not just for Omicron, it’s for BA.4 & BA.5. It might restore you back to the kind of immunity you had against OG Covid, Alpha & Beta immediately after getting the original primary series.

I’m not even really sure what the rules are, I don’t think I’m “technically” eligible for a 2nd booster (47 years old, no health issues)?

The new booster is going to be available for everyone over the age of 12.


perfect timing, I have conferences at the end of september and beginning of october. Want that max force field.

Ya but what about if this untested vaccine causes a pickle to grow from your temple?

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