COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

well fever started yesterday and or last night. currently took temp 103.1. will confirm in a few minutes, i think the readings jump up and down depending on whether i just had hot tea.

interesting datapoint, i have the spo2 meter, and it’s been maybe 1-2 lower than normal, except after a shower where it dips briefly to 92-93 and then recovers, i think skin pruning interferes with it.

biggest problem right now is congestion, i think my sporadic cough is it mostly phlegm running down into the throat. throat doesn’t yet feel raw.

is it safe to take mucinex or similar decongestant?

not a mild case fwiw. definitely worst cold/flu i’ve had in 5+ years. i did take most or all flu shots in that time, so maybe i just ran hot. kicking myself a little for not angle shooting a fourth booster


Yeesh. 103.1 is ruff, dude. Get well soon. And that goes for everyone here.

That’s not a usual symptom of COVID unless things have changed, which is possible.

My biggest issue has been congestion too. If you taped my mouth shut last night I’m dead because they’re was zero air getting into my nose

I wake up each morning and just have constant dark phlegm I spit out for the first two hours of the day and then less so after that, it has been over a week since I’ve had other symptoms.

Seems like you should isolate your daughter to a room or floor and let everyone else go about their business.

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Head congestion and post-nasal drip is very common right now in Covid cases. (At least if my experience and the experience of people I know with recent cases are representative.)

Pretty common afaict

Yeah I was coughing up goop for a good week or so even after feeling otherwise fine.

I’m still dodging the infection (twice in the house now) from the 2xAZ and 1x Pfizer booster (got to be >75 for 2nd booster here).

I just stopped coughing up Mucus. It took 3 weeks from the start.

My 3 year old kid woke up at 3 wheezing like crazy. I suck the swab in his nose and he freaked out and sounded like he was having an asthma attack. Obviously positive.

Pregnant wife is still somehow negative.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t freaked out right now


Hope it gets better. Is a nebulizer something that would help the 3 year old, @CaffeineNeeded ?

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Generally, albuterol nebulizers are helpful for people wheezing.


fever broke suddenly yesterday in about five minutes of sweat through the blankets. pretty sure haven’t had fever since then.

phlegm is still a silent killer. going to cycle mucinex every 12 hours to power through.

On several occasions I’ve gagged on mucus and I have a paranoia that’s I’m going to choke to death on my own phlegm someday.

I’m pretty hyper vigilant on mucinex/sudafed/Benadryl to keep it thin and low amount anytime I have a cold.

Very weird going on 3 years without a significant congestion. Some runny nose episodes from allergies only.

So apparently we do, indeed, give up.


So my wife tested positive this afternoon. Her OBGYN said they wouldn’t prescribe her paxlovid since she’s not highly immunocompromised.

That seems wrong and completely against everything I’ve read and heard

My father-in-law said he couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes without becoming overwhelmingly dizzy the day he tested positive but two weeks later he was telling everyone “it was like a mild cold”, which of course was the follow up to him repeating the “mild cold” mantra ever since the vaccine rollout last year.

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